Who stores water?

Finding it, filtering it, treating it all in here!
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Who stores water?

Post by jansman »

A simple one here,and easily and cheaply done.More important, it's the most important element of survival I reckon(after air!).
Do you store it?How much?How?

I do.I have 250 litres of tap water stored in plastic 25 litre barrels.I blag these from my Brother ,they hold a soap solution(good wash and good to go)Then I have the rain catchment.About 300 gallons,all in budget rain barrels.
I also have empty barrels(25lt)and barrow to fetch water from the brook if I have to.

What about you?
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Re: Who stores water?

Post by preppingsu »

Yes, in 2l pop bottles, scattered thoughout the house (under the bed, in the wardrobes, behind the wardrobes) - lost count of how much but probably wouldn't last long.
Have cheapo bottled water from Lidl with a long date stored in office/box room so good fro drinking.
2 big water butts in garden.

Need to improve filtering/cleaning water equipment.
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Re: Who stores water?

Post by scoobie »

Yes, but only a couple of weeks worth for cooking and drinking. I do have a large freshwater lake nearby, and a river, so with treatmeant/filtration I've got *much* more availible unless it becomes contaminated!
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Re: Who stores water?

Post by bulldogeagle »

130 litres in 25 litre plastic containers, plus lots of 5litre and 2litre ones, water butt (200litres) in front garden and 2 more in the back garden(am picking up 3 more on saturday).
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Re: Who stores water?

Post by jansman »

This is great!Water is vital,and probably the easiest prep there is.Everyone has 2litre pop bottles kicking about ,which would be regarded as rubbish!
In these tough times,this is doable .

I store water cos back in 1990 as a newly married couple,the snow came,the power went and so did the water!For a WEEK! And melting snow ain't easy.
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Re: Who stores water?

Post by luxor »

apart from a couple of water barrels, we dont.
if i get warning i do have several 25 ltr water containers and i would fill the bath.
failing that we also have several water filters and a river half a mile away
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Re: Who stores water?

Post by hobo »

100L in the BOL.
100L butt on the allotment.
Up to 50L at home in bottles.
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Re: Who stores water?

Post by itsybitsy »

Yeah, but not a huge amount. I need to increase the stocks! Got about 80 litres from Tesco in the garage, and could really do with a water butt.

Re: Who stores water?

Post by TimeisRunningOut »

itsybitsy wrote:Yeah, but not a huge amount. I need to increase the stocks! Got about 80 litres from Tesco in the garage, and could really do with a water butt.
You can buy cheap collapseable ones (so your neighbours don't know you've been buying water butts... you can just stick a few in the loft)

I ONLY drink bottled water because of the lovely additions the government put in public tap water
You'll be amazed how many empty 2L bottles I've managed to save up just in the last two weeks alone- if I can do it on a budget ANYONE CAN
These bottles can then be filled with tap water (dirt cheap) for washing

Waterbutts etc. can be filled with tap water for washing , cleaning aswell
Your storage heater has quite a bit there, washing cleaning,

Dont forget CLEAN drinking water ... if you don't mind sodium flouride then I think you can save yourself having to do what I did, but I have around 50L of Carrick Green from Aldis and only just starting
They do 4 x 2L bottles for £1

Re: Who stores water?

Post by luxor »

You can buy cheap collapseable ones (so your neighbours don't know you've been buying water butts... you can just stick a few in the loft)
water is very heavy, be careful how many you store up there