More diy stoves

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More diy stoves

Post by allan »

Thought I would post this after reading diamond lil's tea light post.
I have lots of gas and liquid fuel stoves.
I am not telling the wife how many she would not be happy. :lol:
But there may be a time that replacement gas cannisters may not be available. I can see the camping shops doing a roaring trade if anything happens.

I have made several cooking stoves that burn small amonts of wood and are portable. they are popular with bushcrafters and are called hobo stoves. look on youtube there are lots below is one like my small ones. I also have some made out of mini kegs to make meals for the family. Tried to put some photos up but can not get it to work.
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diamond lil
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Re: More diy stoves

Post by diamond lil »

My god that takes me back - night watchmen used to have something similar when I was wee and played in building sites where I wasnt allowed :mrgreen:
To me, this is what surviving is all about - instead of running out and buying the latest/best fancy thing, just look at ordinary everyday things and work out a way of using them. I love this.

Re: More diy stoves

Post by theboss2010 »

That hobo stove set up is exactly the same as one of my many stoves, even the billy can which is being used (zebra billy can).
Carrot Cruncher

Re: More diy stoves

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

allan wrote:I also have some made out of mini kegs to make meals for the family. Tried to put some photos up but can not get it to work.
What site are you using to host the photos ? I had trouble until I started using Photobucket and then it was simple. Cant remember the name of the site I originally tried but I couldnt work it out...but photobucket site and image links work fine for me

Would love to see a pic of the Keg one

Re: More diy stoves

Post by allan »

this is the one made from a mini keg.
Carrot Cruncher

Re: More diy stoves

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

Allan, I edited the link to show the pic....on Photobucket just left click on the "image code" (the bottom one of the box on the right) and it will automatcally copy the link, paste it directly into your post and dont worry about image tabs or anything as its already included in the link you copy

Looks excellent :D


Re: More diy stoves

Post by pietka »

i made a small prototype out of terracotta roof tiles and clay! trying to get you a picture but i can't get it to upload! =/
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diamond lil
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Re: More diy stoves

Post by diamond lil »

Maybe send it to CC, I don't know how to do it either. But am off to try Photobucket and copying the image code, want to upload a photo meself. But not of a stove :mrgreen:
Big fat bill

Re: More diy stoves

Post by Big fat bill »

these are great, post # 3

Re: More diy stoves

Post by tfish »

The "Roses" sweet tins that are back in vouge in the shop are IDEAL for a small one man stove/bbq.

I keep on prepped and filled with Charcol in the back of the ute.