Who stores water?

Finding it, filtering it, treating it all in here!

Re: Who stores water?

Post by luxor »

I have a question though I have heard you can use household bleach in purifying water now being household bleach I want to get the correct amount to use so that i have some stomach left to drink the water so does anyone know or can advise me how many drops of bleach you put into a 2 ltr bottle ??
using household bleach (5% sodium hypochlorite) one drop (0.05ml) per ltr, two if the water is cloudy.
wait at least 30 minutes before drinking it.

so 2 to 4 drops depending on how clear the water is for a 2 ltr bottle

Re: Who stores water?

Post by Dogfood »

I just brought 12 of these
and filled them with water they must have had a butter scotch flavouring in them first , so i rinsed them with bleach first.
and i got one of these with the order too
I am going to connect it to the down pipe off the roof and use it to supply the down stairs washing machine and toilet.
will get a few more 25 ltr containers soon, as you can never have enough water, decided against the big barrels for storing as I can move the smaller ones about if needed with out draining them off.

Re: Who stores water?

Post by ELM »

I will start to get water but a sign of how clean Romsey's water is this, we have the river S***.

Re: Who stores water?

Post by dibley »

we have been kicking this around what about long term. we already store some but have considered a method of purification on hand so the local beck and hill streams can be used.

We store 100 ltr in garage using camping 25ltr kept in black sacks so they are in the dark which stops algae growing this could last us a week or stretched to two if we do not wash clothes or ourselves. based on our use when camping.

This is OK for short outages that could happen but in extreme circumstances something like a berkley seems to be the thing to use. Is this overkill and would it be better to just lay up a few bottles of cheap bleach.

what do you think?

Re: Who stores water?

Post by the-gnole »

Bleach isn't something that has a finite life though, it goes off like most things.

Slow sand filters, heat and UV light is a start, but there are other methods available.
Carrot Cruncher

Re: Who stores water?

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

This is OK for short outages that could happen but in extreme circumstances something like a berkley seems to be the thing to use. Is this overkill and would it be better to just lay up a few bottles of cheap bleach.

what do you think?
You can pick up a Berkey for around £100 with a couple of candles so they are good value for money and depending on the candle type they can be good for 1500 to 10,000 litres, the candles are fairly cheap to replace as well

Re: Who stores water?

Post by the-gnole »

But "long term" those candles will be useless and difficult/impossible to get new ones, it depends on the duration we are considering as "Long term" ;)

Re: Who stores water?

Post by skippy »

What about one of these :

http://www.emergencyfoodstorage.co.uk/p ... y-can.html

LIFESAVER jerrycan 10000
Incorporating filtration technology which removes all bacteria, viruses, cysts, parasites, fungi and all other microbiological waterborne pathogens without the aid of any foul tasting chemicals like iodine or chlorine. It allows users to process up to 10,000 litres of clean sterile drinking water.
FAILSAFE technology
As the LIFESAVER cartridge approaches the end of its life the jerrycan requires a greater number of pumps to induce water to flow. When the jerrycan requires a significant number of pumps to induce water to flow this indicates that it is nearing the end of its life. When no more water can be induced to flow despite continuous pumping, the cartridge has expired and it is time to replace it

10 000 Liters is a lot of clean water !


Re: Who stores water?

Post by the-gnole »

Yes, 10 cubic mtrs is a lot of clean water, at normal drinking rates (supposedly 2 litres a day per person)

it will last one person a 5000 days

two people 2500 days

4 people 1250 days

That is a lot of drinking water, but then you have to add in other things that the water will be needed for, cooking, reconstituting dried goods...I really should look into one sometime :mrgreen:
Big fat bill

Re: Who stores water?

Post by Big fat bill »

As a mix of fresh clean drinking tap water and rain water I have amassed 16 tonne. 2.5t is tap water, abour 6.5t rainwater in barrels and the rest is rain water in the garden pond. I have water treatment tabs, a slow sand filter and a lot of bleach to sort the rest out.

I still want more fresh water as you can only live a maximum of 3 days without water. Not only is it for my family and I but it would be a good barter, possibly on par with gold now in a post fall situation.

I'm happy that it is secure as well.