What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

jansman wrote:Unfortunately, we are divorced from the land. We have become urban. Lazy and fat. We no longer gave to claw a living from our immediate environment. Tesco has replaced that. As we have seen the Old Life drift into the distance, our new one - the one where we can buy our meat and fish in plastic packets, is the new Normal.
Then we try to forget our 'primitive' roots. When we were poor and uncivilised. We are Urban.

Some of us though, have always lived in the countryside. Yes, it still exists. We keep animals and grow food. We hunt and fish.
Hell , I kill and butcher animals for a living. At one time I was paid to kill people when I was in the forces!!!
Aah well.


says it all really we are so detached from what we eat.......

Got a few more tins of food. Almost got the New(to me) air rifle in Zero since i replaced the breach seal on Friday Just need to chrono it again to double check its still legal (was 9.99 ftlb with the split in the breach seal)

If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by FEISTY »

Jansman. Here's what I think. I think you're a wee bit of a bully. I had a look back and several people have mentioned BCB kits and even that they don't like fishing for sport (ie catching fish with hooks and then throwing them back). There's a line and we draw that line. Whether you agree with us is up to you, but having a go on a public forum isn't on. Funny though, that you've suddenly decided to have a rant and your replies have been insulting. Yes, I'm convinced you're very good at fishing - good for you. I'm convinced you may have killed people, but the bragging is beginning to pale now. I will be much more impressed with some information I can genuinely use post SHTF. I'm holding onto my BCB kit and will keep watching the videos online. You never know, I may be a natural :). Just remember Rule No 4! To the person who mentioned eating chavs - you made me LOL :)! Thank you for reminding me that a sense of humour usually saves the day.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by FEISTY »

Received 84 Litre Really Useful Box (Black) today. Just big enough to store the stuff I've bought to date (water, cans, matches, etc, etc), so might be needing another one soon. This stuff will go in the garage. Some of the other stuff will be carried when we go hiking in the summer, so keeping it handy. Really getting into the swing of this now. Clearing all the stupid stuff out of the freezer/fridge and re-stocking with stuff we can actually make a proper meal out of (assuming it's a lorry driver's strike and not a power cut). Working on surviving comfortably for 3 - 7 days (strikes, bad weather, etc) to start with, so still need a lot of stuff (stove, pots, stove kettle, fuel, a wider variety of food. My daughter was asking what all the stuff was for and my cover is that with all the unrest going on (an imminent strike in the UK and with the Ukraine/Russia situation, etc, etc) I'd decided we needed to have a stocked larder just in case, like our parents and grandparents did. She remembered Tesco being cleared out of bread 'n stuff a few years ago and I told her there was a tanker driver strike just before she was born and there was a rush on petrol and the people at the end of the queue just didn't get any for a while. She asked if I was a Prepper, LOL? No flies on her! I had to admit I was, but not in a crazy way. She wants to know if we're digging a bunker!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is sworn to secrecy and seems to be on-board. One down, two to go. Cannot trust son - he will blab - and husband never plans for anything, so probably best if he doesn't know (he'll think it's daft anyway).
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by poppypiesdad »

Oooooooh feisty , just ruined your opsec there , rule no 1 , tell no one , rule 2 delete browser history , rule 3 never tell the kids , they will they'll each other who in turn will tell there parents , rule 4 get those labels made for the garage stuff :lol:

Last edited by poppypiesdad on Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
Be Prepared.
Plan like its the last loaf on the shop shelves.
Plan like its the last beer in the fridge.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Arzosah »

Feisty, how old is your daughter? Sounds like you might need a follow up talk with her - good luck with it.

I've got a delivery scheduled myself today, only from Sainsbo tho :lol: conserves my energy in them packing it and delivering it, thats got to be good.

Grass is still much too soggy to walk on, but I'm weeding from the patio and the path where I can. And I've realised some ornamental grasses have made their home in the front garden - they're the only ones I've ever seen that I quite like, but they're nothing special, and they're *incredibly* non productive, so they're going - I have scatterings of bulbs all over the place in the back garden, so the bulbs will be moved to the front, or at least grouped in clusters to keep the bees attracted to the back, and better prepping choices of plants put in.

An online friend has sent me seeds of courgettes and kale, 4 varieties. I'm a happy bunny :)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by FEISTY »

poppypiesdad wrote:Oooooooh feisty , just ruined your opsec there , rule no 1 , tell no one , rule 2 delete browser history , rule 3 never tell the kids , they will they'll each other who in turn will tell there parents , rule 4 get those labels made for the garage stuff :lol:

No-one outside the family!!!! :) Hubby is bound to find out next time my laptop crashes, as he'll have to fix it :(. He's not daft and will probably be wondering why a dozen large cans of beans (and more) appeared when we eat maybe a couple every six months - my kids won't touch them (if they're hungry enough, they will ;)) and this makes them a great prepping resource for us. Daughter learned lesson recently that friends you confide in can become enemies in the blink of any eye. I don't think she'll blab to anyone (she likes to eat and I pointed out that anyone who knows our garage is full of food and water will be heading our way and taking her dinner :)). My husband doesn't talk a lot anyway - still waters run deep, but my son is still delightfully naïve :). Thanks for the reminder re browser history - need to do that every day now. You wouldn't believe where prepping takes you :) :) :)! I would label the boxes tena lady, etc, but everyone would start taking the Michael (no offence to anyone of my age and older who has a genuine need for these products) and I would eventually have to set them straight - I'm a bit FEISTY that way :). Wonder how many other people are doing this completely in secret? Would that be another thread?
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by FEISTY »

Arzosah wrote:Feisty, how old is your daughter? Sounds like you might need a follow up talk with her - good luck with it.

I've got a delivery scheduled myself today, only from Sainsbo tho :lol: conserves my energy in them packing it and delivering it, thats got to be good.

Grass is still much too soggy to walk on, but I'm weeding from the patio and the path where I can. And I've realised some ornamental grasses have made their home in the front garden - they're the only ones I've ever seen that I quite like, but they're nothing special, and they're *incredibly* non productive, so they're going - I have scatterings of bulbs all over the place in the back garden, so the bulbs will be moved to the front, or at least grouped in clusters to keep the bees attracted to the back, and better prepping choices of plants put in.

An online friend has sent me seeds of courgettes and kale, 4 varieties. I'm a happy bunny :)
HI Arzosah. TMI LOL! See reply to Poppypiesdad. I think she'll be OK. I hate supermarket shopping (any shopping in fact), but if you can get someone else to help, I say, "Go for it". My kids help me when they're not having a go at each other (not often fortunately - they're nice kids). They push the trolley around and my daughter won't let me load/unload the stuff at the check-out. They'll run off and get the stuff I ask for. This all makes me sound terrible - I am far from lazy, but they know that the more helpful/hardworking they are, the more money/goodies they get. That's the way the world works (at the moment), so I think it's encouraging some work ethic. They get a lot more than most other kids, but we never let them behave badly. I'll be taking them out to practice some things in the summer, but they'll probably know a lot more than me. My gardening at the moment is just sorting out the winter storm damage and I have snowdrops in the green coming any day, but there'll be a few structural projects in the garden plus I'll be out digging some new beds soon - as the ones we had when we moved here are in the wrong place. I like the idea of Hugelcultur (sp?) and will be giving that a go - it'll save us getting rid of all the branches we cut down. I think I'll try strawberries on that first. I've looked out a suitable container and rubble sacks and I'll be heading for the local stables to beg some horse manure and I'll be doing that every so often, well, for ever really. If only Poppypiesdad would pop down with a trailer load, that would be fab :) (just joking). We have a few crocus here and there and pretty they are too, but around August I'll be ordering a job lot to go down the edge of the lawn - they are really good for bees. Courgettes are easy and kale is great for winter food, so they are great choices to start with. You know, you don't have to turn your garden into an allotment (the neighbours will make a beeline to it post SHTF). It's still a garden, so why not just keep the things you like, but maybe put the grasses together and enjoy them. I have an 8' x 4' raised bed given over to asparagus. Well, it's on its last warning. Never get enough for more than a single serving at a time. I think we'll have to put something more productive in there next year. In the meantime, I may grow some salad in there as well and nasturtiums (edible) which look lovely and could easily put the looters off the scent. It can't hurt. I just keep telling myself that if it doesn't look like a supermarket shelf, the vast majority of people won't recognise produce growing in a garden and I'll be trying to disguise as much as possible, like putting a few artichokes in a flower bed :). Anyway, blabbing on here and I have stuff to do, but let us know how you get on with the back garden transformation and what else you're growing. :)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Briggs »

FEISTY wrote:Jansman. Here's what I think. I think you're a wee bit of a bully. I had a look back and several people have mentioned BCB kits and even that they don't like fishing for sport (ie catching fish with hooks and then throwing them back). There's a line and we draw that line. Whether you agree with us is up to you, but having a go on a public forum isn't on. Funny though, that you've suddenly decided to have a rant and your replies have been insulting. Yes, I'm convinced you're very good at fishing - good for you. I'm convinced you may have killed people, but the bragging is beginning to pale now. I will be much more impressed with some information I can genuinely use post SHTF. I'm holding onto my BCB kit and will keep watching the videos online. You never know, I may be a natural :). Just remember Rule No 4! To the person who mentioned eating chavs - you made me LOL :)! Thank you for reminding me that a sense of humour usually saves the day.
I'm not an angler but I do have a reel of fishing line and some assorted hooks in my GHB. I also have a ratchet reel which is essentially a mini-long line with hooks on it that can be left for several hours unattended. I can almost hear the gasps of horror but to me, that's no worse than commercial long-lining for swordfish. If push came to shove, I'd have no issue with using either method to catch food.

Anyway, as a result of my recent trip into a city centre, my prep focus for the next week or so will be working out how to get out of this particular city centre ASAP and when I next visit I'll take some time to think through my route, secondary routes and SHTF plans, with transport and without.

@Plymtom - You know the area better than I do. I didn't really start to feel comfortable until I was several miles past Derriford and on the moors. I'm stumped how I'd get from the city centre to that point in traffic or on foot. Time for some planning!
Last edited by Briggs on Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I recently experienced Plymouth City centre so that's why I prep.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Plymtom »

@Plymtom - You know the area better than I do. I didn't really start to feel comfortable until I was several miles past Derriford and on the moors. I'm stumped how I'd get from the city centre to that point in traffic or on foot. Time for some planning!
@Briggs that's where I am not in the shopping area but a few minutes walk away, so you get it, what I would have to get past in a chaotic situation is unthinkable, once when it snowed my boss dropped me and a workmate off ( we packed up early because we knew it was going to get silly) we were at the top end of royal parade near the fountain, he had already gone in royal parade, we bailed and were home down near stonehouse creek about a mile away long before he had got to the other end of royal parade to turn around, that day I saw a different workmates wife in her car out of the window of our union street address, she shouted to me to phone him and let him know she would be late, they lived at mainstone near asda about 8 miles out, took about 5 hours.
So certainly here if you don't get out ahead of the tide, you're stuck in it, it may not be as bad in other places, but it will be approaching it in all urban areas.
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by lonewolf »

Briggs try this for starters: Plymouth City Centre, Exeter Street, Embankment Road, Forder Valley, Novorossick road, The George, Roborough and onto the moors, quickest way I know, stick your boot down and stop for no one.
Adapt or Die, there is no middle ground.