Hello from Scotland

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Hello from Scotland

Post by christof »

Hi Everyone, just stumbled across the forum on google.

I'm quite familar with the whole idea of prepping as I came across the idea of it quite some time but if I'm being honest never really gave it much thought until recently. So in a lot of respects I'm quite a newbie although I can't help but see the way the world is slowly heading at the moment and figure it might be time to at least be prepared for something.

I've decided to start with something I can keep in the boot of my car as I travel a lot for work (mostly out of town places like forests and so on) and my car is always close by. Plus if for no other reason, should my car breaks down in the middle of a forest road I'll be alright till I can get someplace for help.

So far I've been working on things with the idea of redundency with the basics. More than one way to light a fire, bottling water and sterilization tables etc, etc but obviously it has to be easy to carry.

Theres a ton of stuff on this forum for me to go through so if anyone could point out some perticularly good posts or sites I'd appreciate it!

Re: Hello from Scotland

Post by preppingsu »

Hello and welcome.

A good place to start is here


And this is just one of many threads about GHB (Get Home Bags) that people carry in their cars.


There is a lot of information on the forum, the search facility is the little magnifying glass, top right. Make a cuppa, open a packet of chocolate digestives and off you go! :D
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Re: Hello from Scotland

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum. :)
Two is one and one is none, but three is even better.