lone wolf,family or group

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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by XMaramena »

prepperG wrote:I would initially be bug in on own but supplies would run out very rapidly so would then bug out, would try to find out if friends/family are alive first but if not call in if they are in the safest direction.
I could trade my security services for shelter/food. recon i can carry 450 rds 5.56 ammo :)
as part of bug out plan i am looking at doing rib boat training and update my sailing skills to get out of country or around coast if required (would be safer than over land).
And you plan on getting this ammo how? :P
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by Plymtom »

And you plan on getting this ammo how? :P
It's not uncommon to legally possess that amount if he's licensed, he could probably buy 500 at a time and hold 600 in total, and if he's a re-loader he could have the components on site for thousands ( not sure about powder or primers).
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by rik_uk3 »

Family here, wife, son, daughter, son in law and two grand children. We prep with two other families so have a total of three locations to use.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by Cromicon »

I live in a cul-de-sac on the outskirts of a large town with my partner and two children under the age of 8. We have no family that live nearby, the closest that are on "speaking terms" are 120 miles away and my parents are 200 miles away. We've decided that realistically we'll be looking after ourselves as a family first. We do think a couple of neighbours would be good to team up with but we don't think any of them have done or will do any real prepping.

I guess we'll have to raise the subject of prepping but we don't feel we know our neighbours that well to do so. It's more of a sharing "Good Morning" relationship we have with some and one neighbour keeping an eye on our house while we go on holiday... tricky to do without letting the cat out of the bag really.

I was thinking that the Neighbourhood Watch might be a good place to get the ball rolling but then the tin foil hat slipped on and I started to wonder if that would identify us as preppers so everyone else would pop around to our house and raid our stuff when the SHTF! :tinfoil

All in all I guess we feel a bit isolated really so in answer to the question, family first and without a pre-organised group we'll see how the neighbourhood coalesces unless anyone has any suggestions?
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by christof »

Planning for solo, although obviously a group makes sense but i've yet to stumble across any recent posts anywhere at least as far as google shows excluding 1 post from someone posting on "temple of the Jedi Order" in the lothians.

One of the funny things about living in the city is while there are tons of people it's still very isolated, impersonal and when it all goes down you obviously have to be careful who you trust.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by lonewolf »

planning for couple +dog, groups not my thing, especially strangers and definitely not strangers from outside :( :)
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by J23 »

I will bug out with my mates:
Rambo because he can use bow and knife, Commando, because he's strong, Batman as he has cool mask and Superman as he puts underwear on his trousers and people avoid freaks like that ;-), I will also take my Dad Green Beret and my Mum from marine corps, also my redneck uncle as he chews tobacco and has double barrel rifle (probably still working), I asked Popeye the sailor to join us, but he's constantly chasing some fat beardy guy and prefers some skinny lass named Olivia over us. We will bug out to Leeds city centre as it will be empty because everybody will bug out to woods, moors, mountains and other places chosen for bug out location by millions of people:D. I chose the location as there will be plenty of shops to loot, and we can live in some 5 star hotel for the first time in our lives (Batman said he slept in one like that before).
spot on plan

and to be more serious If I will ever have to bug out I will do it with family and people I trust, but I doubt I will ever need to bug out and I prefer to spend my money on things that are more likely to happen. I prefer to have 1 month food and water at home (then to spend money on holidays, mortgage overpayments, to enjoy life rather than buying expensive tents and sleeping bags (of course prepper needs expensive fancy tent) that will never be used), and to stick with neighbours to rely on each other as small group of neighbours who will stand their ground.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by grenfell »

christof wrote:Planning for solo, although obviously a group makes sense but i've yet to stumble across any recent posts anywhere at least as far as google shows excluding 1 post from someone posting on "temple of the Jedi Order" in the lothians.

One of the funny things about living in the city is while there are tons of people it's still very isolated, impersonal and when it all goes down you obviously have to be careful who you trust.
Long term then a group or small community is the way to go but in the immediate aftermath of an event then personal survival or the survival of the family unit should be the priority . Then after that add in the stable of reading new situations as they arise and adapting or adjusting where necessary . One could plan to join a group only to find that each group that is encountered is full of nothing but mad max wannabes or one could plan to stay independent only to run into others that you bond with straight away. Point being keep all preps flexible.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by lonewolf »

J23 wrote:I will bug out with my mates:
Rambo because he can use bow and knife, Commando, because he's strong, Batman as he has cool mask and Superman as he puts underwear on his trousers and people avoid freaks like that ;-), I will also take my Dad Green Beret and my Mum from marine corps, also my redneck uncle as he chews tobacco and has double barrel rifle (probably still working), I asked Popeye the sailor to join us, but he's constantly chasing some fat beardy guy and prefers some skinny lass named Olivia over us. We will bug out to Leeds city centre as it will be empty because everybody will bug out to woods, moors, mountains and other places chosen for bug out location by millions of people:D. I chose the location as there will be plenty of shops to loot, and we can live in some 5 star hotel for the first time in our lives (Batman said he slept in one like that before).
spot on plan
ROTFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by i11matic1795 »

I'd be taking my dad with me, while he wouldn't be the most able I'm pretty sure he could come in handy and would be a good person to have around.

My mum and sisters wouldn't be helpful, and as unfair as it sounds I think they could manage to get me killed in just about any situation, they would be better off on their own.