Rearfang wrote:Can foresee a time when they ban cross bows or licence them
I thought this too, so I bought one this January just so it's here if I need it. I have been trying in vain to find a club locally that allows it's use, they really are the pariah of all things weaponry, but so simple to use.
I have a couple of sling shots, but despite hours of practice with the things, I"d get a better result hurling the wretched item at what I'm aiming at!
What is this life, so full of care, we have no time to prepare.
(Apologies to W H Davies)
badgersden wrote:personally for my choice would have to be a crossbow for defense,attack and hunting only when it becomes legal of course ,take a look how the crossbow performs against body Armour,a lot of people on here and other preppering sites have mentioned they will be wearing body armour when the shtf
I agree the crossbow is the best choice in some areas but after owning one for over a year I realised that a guy with a recurve bow could put three arrows in my by the time I've reloaded . I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH THE WALKING DEAD IS A POOR EXAMPLE OF CROSS BOW EFFICIENCY . There is no tension on his crossbow it's like a shoe lace !!!!
Lets no knock (pardon the pun) the good old longbow as ray mears once said " a whole nation stood behind them" before guns were invented My friend and I used to time each other heading for !2 arrows inside an 22inch circle inside 1 minute. at 25 yards. I managed nine. averaging 6 to 8 this is not a brag its a fact when you shoot 3 times every week and shoot instinctively if you put sights on a bow you slow it down if you put fancy rests on a bow you slow it down. have your archery lessons then teach yourself. the bow becomes a part of you. and you can get to the point of (1) arrow on the target (1) arrow in the air, and (1) arrow on the string. the bow was the GPMG of its day. it defended homes and put food on the table. its also interesting to note that the samurai of old japan were originally known for archery on horseback long before the legendary swordsmanship came into being.
If you practice with the bow often enough it becomes a part of you. like an extention of your own body. these same rules apply to the humble catapult./ slingshot this can also feed and defend you if the need ever came about. lets not forget also that karate came about because the Japanese ruling class outlawed the ownership and practice with weapons in Okinawa the farmers beat their ploughshares into swords. and the handle of a rice grinder (tonfa) has now become the side handled batton used by many police forces worldwide.
badgersden wrote:personally for my choice would have to be a crossbow for defense,attack and hunting only when it becomes legal of course ,take a look how the crossbow performs against body Armour,a lot of people on here and other preppering sites have mentioned they will be wearing body armour when the shtf
For what its worth, from one epileptic to another - if the SHTF and you ran out of meds for your E your crossbow, bow, rifle or shotgun - yes you can get a license for a air or fire arm, depending on how you answer 15b and depending on what your seizure control is like- is useless without the control of your meds.
Plan for the worst......but enjoy every minute of it.