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Re: Blackout!

Post by izzy_mack »

Well done and well done mrs jansman :D . Bad neighbours can be a pain, and they're not always young, ours was an old lady we tried to help and got no thanks for it but were still summoned if she wanted something done, then critised for how we'd done it! She really tried my patience at times.

We have another who tries to pick fights at the drop of a hat, I really bug him by being super polite, apologetic and helpful and watch as his blood pressure rises as he isn't given his usual outlet of a slanging match, much better fun - for me :evil:

Other than that everyone else is pleasant &helpful but I hope I never have to test that belief for real.

I'm also a strong believer in reaping what you sow, so maybe when I'm a cranky old lady someone will put up with me - and mutter under their breath.

Re: Blackout!

Post by i11matic1795 »

Sounds like you did a great job Jansman, guess the new car could be seen as karma for helping out your old neighbour, he sounds like a good guy.

It is quite scary how neighbours can be in those situations, I'm quite lucky with an old bloke next door that can fix or make just about anything, and he can cook a good meal from nothing! :D

Think this is appropriate -
Plymtom wrote:You're an inspiration Jansman, and that's prepping... making an adventure out of a crisis.
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Re: Blackout!

Post by jansman »

Maybe the new car is Karma. To me it is because someone ****** up. That situation will be resolved by this time next week. Neighbours (good ones) are worth their weight in gold. Personally, I try to be a good neighbour. I am sure most of us do. Observing the reaction of "Starchy Knickers" as the Duchess calls her :lol: cultivating relationships has to be an important preparation, I am certain. The comments here have made me look at the neighbourhood I live in.
At the top end of the property is Gerry. I have known him since I was a lad. He is a retired builder, and he calls his sheds "B and Q". He has so much in there in the way of fixings and building materials! :D He insists that I go to him first instead of buying stuff. He says at his age there is more in there than he will use in the rest of his lifetime. Also , there is not much he cannot fix-although his Wife says he must not go on roofs now he is past 80!
Then I have Ian three doors down, he is a bricklayer and an all round nice bloke. We go fishing. Then there is John, the motor mechanic over the road. I pass firewood onto him that I cannot split for the stoves.he has an open fire. There is Chris the landscaper who passes logs and stuff to me and Geoff who is a nurse, and a damn good gardener. We swap plants. Of course there is Maurice, the old chap we all keep an eye on. And last but not least are Ken and James on the end. Ken is a plumber and James is a Carpenter. When Mrs. Jansman was seriously ill about ten years ago those two were a godsend. James is a great cook, and he made sure the kids were fed after school-after fetching them for me! The help they gave me I will never forget.
Between all of us we swap and trade and generally help each other(well most of us!)
Have a look around your neighbourhood,all of you, and I am sure there is more than meets the eye. :D

As for Plymton's comment about making an adventure out of crisis, well, my life sometimes seems to be one long adventure! :lol:
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Re: Blackout!

Post by Hamradioop »

who needs Bear Grylls when we have Jansman a true voyager of life's mysteries.
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Re: Blackout!

Post by FEISTY »

Ha, ha! I won't be counting on my neighbours. Much as I like it because they keep to themselves, we have: a surveyor (can tell you what to do, but can't actually do it); a jack of all trades and master of none, whose wife won't let him near anything important; a car breakdown and recovery company - they park the occasional large vehicle or two in their expansive drive; a very elderly lady; restaurant owners, who can't cook. I know this because my son was fed hotdogs and microwave burgers (at least he was offered them :)) in their home and nothing on the restaurant menu is cooked from fresh food; business owners - current main business is a large indoor play centre; landlords; a senior police officer and a retired pilot. No plumbers, builders, electricians, etc. The police officer is a decent guy and the retired pilot might be useful if we need to get hold of a plane, but the rest are pretty useless because they get everything done for them.
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Re: Blackout!

Post by Arzosah »

jansman wrote: The comments here have made me look at the neighbourhood I live in.
At the top end of the property is Gerry. I have known him since I was a lad. He is a retired builder, and he calls his sheds "B and Q". He has so much in there in the way of fixings and building materials! :D He insists that I go to him first instead of buying stuff. He says at his age there is more in there than he will use in the rest of his lifetime. Also , there is not much he cannot fix-although his Wife says he must not go on roofs now he is past 80!
Then I have Ian three doors down, he is a bricklayer and an all round nice bloke. We go fishing. Then there is John, the motor mechanic over the road. I pass firewood onto him that I cannot split for the stoves.he has an open fire. There is Chris the landscaper who passes logs and stuff to me and Geoff who is a nurse, and a damn good gardener. We swap plants. Of course there is Maurice, the old chap we all keep an eye on. And last but not least are Ken and James on the end. Ken is a plumber and James is a Carpenter. When Mrs. Jansman was seriously ill about ten years ago those two were a godsend. James is a great cook, and he made sure the kids were fed after school-after fetching them for me! The help they gave me I will never forget.
Between all of us we swap and trade and generally help each other(well most of us!)
This is so lovely, Jansman - such a community, in the real sense :)
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Re: Blackout!

Post by redskies »

it's one of the nicest things about where we live too. We know everyone, everyone knows us and I know that if we needed it, then the help would be there - and vice versa. There's a couple we know who are building their own - son, aged 11, has been down helping them with the digging out bits. He's being taught to operate the mini digger and the dumper while he's there, they're getting some help with the work, everyone is happy, particularly my son, who has been fascinated with machinery since he was tiny!
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Re: Blackout!

Post by tigs »

one of the best thing about our neighbors is they are about one and half miles away as crow flies
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Re: Blackout!

Post by jansman »

It is interesting how we each interact with our neighbours. I am a fairly gregarious fella, and get on with ( most) folks. We have my Wife's best friend over from Australia right now, and they have been telling us about their neighbours. They all wave to each other as they get out of their 4x4's, but they don't know each other. I must say that reading what many of you say about where you live, makes me realise I am in a good place.
But don't let that stop you being a good neighbour. It is certainly a case of 'reap what you sow ', I really believe that.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

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Re: Blackout!

Post by redskies »

I can think of a couple I wouldn't pee on if they were on fire. But you find those everywhere! If I see someone needing help, I'll do the best I can to provide that help, whether in the street or in the wider community. And I'm a soft touch for local charities who need raffle prizes!