Do you have a budget?

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Do you have a budget?

Post by itslee »

Just wondering how many others set them selfs a budget on getting new items? My budget plans to be about £20 a week. I work full time but don't fancy spending a large amount. I try look out for buy one get one free or 2 for a £1 etc..
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by Plymtom »

Setting a budget is not the easy bit it's sticking to it ;) seriously yes-ish it depends on what you count as prepping, I pick up extra tinned food and the like from the supermarkets and I'm as easily swayed as the next person by stuff in poundland, not to mention Lidl & Aldi, my wife buys stuff (she's disabled but on e-bay she's a ninja on a good day) she's gotten a load of lanterns and other outdoor type items once, more recently hand sanitizer by the box load, and then do you count what are hobbies really like Archery and Shooting as prepping? because that's £10 -15 a week on ammo for the family let alone the equipment.
I think folk are going to say yes.. give you a figure not too different to your own, then admit they treat themselves to things like guns, knives, dehydrators, rucksacks, Ham radio gear - you name it :lol:
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by Jimski »

I think I spent around £100-150 on an initial setup, using hours of eBay, Amazon and general internet research for the best prices, discount codes etc.

This has got me a various CREE LED torches, 3 stoves (different uses/fuels), anodised cookset, a Mil Tec rucksack, a Snugpak, various bushcraft bits and pieces (tinder, glowsticks etc), Swiss Army knife and a few other bits and pieces which are all basically my camping/bouldering kit to get some usage from it.

Now its just as/when I see things, turboflame lighters @ £2.50 for two, a few bits from the poundshop, soups/coffee sachets/lighter gas, med supplies etc. I wouldn't even say £20 a week.

I've always got plenty of food in the cupboards/freezer and I eat well due to gym training, so I know I've always got 5 days of food (at least) in the house.
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by hobo »

We regularly spend around £20 per month on food and put away £10 pm for the allotment.
Then there's the big ticket items that we buy every now and then, such as the Lifesaver Cube which I bought last week. We get these occasionally, when I sell a piece of art or get an advance on a record or a windfall from the government/similar.
Then there's the Christmas and Birthday presents to self! :D
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by itslee »

Yes the other hobbies does add the £££s! As im starting off I don't want to rush in buying loads of stuff which could be wasted etc.. Planning and money is on the agenda at the moment.
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by ForgeCorvus »

itslee wrote:Yes the other hobbies does add the £££s! As im starting off I don't want to rush in buying loads of stuff which could be wasted etc.. Planning and money is on the agenda at the moment.
Well, you're ahead on the game there.
Its far too easy to get carried away with all the cool toys when you start...... Don't ask me how I know :oops:

As with other things in life, set a budget and stick to it (Stash anything you don't spend to buy the 'Big Stuff')
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by Decaff »

I don't have a budget as such but if I see a bargain on things I know we use on a daily, weekly or monthly basis I will stock up. Bigger items I will think about for a long time, do research on till I can answer all my questions about whatever it is then wait a while longer to see if I "really" want/need it. I don't panic or impulse buy anything over £30 without the in depth research first. Kilner jars I will buy on offer without thinking as these are part of my long term food preserves and can be used over and over again. Spare lids will be bought to make orders up for free postage. I tend to over think purchases these days which has lost me bargains but also saved me money in the long term. Hope that makes sense!
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by nickdutch »

If I am out of money, i research what i will spend it on when I will get the money. If I have money I spend it. If I am out of cash and have no hope of getting the cash, I distract myself with all manner of inane balderdash usually involving fun recipe ideas:)
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Decaff wrote:I don't have a budget as such but if I see a bargain on things I know we use on a daily, weekly or monthly basis I will stock up.
Decaff makes an important point.
Its only a bargain if its something you were going to buy anyway. You might be getting it early or in greater then normal quantity, but if its not already on your radar then you've probably wasted money.

Mind you, I bet all Preppers have a weakness for one thing that they'll always buy..... Even if they're well covered in that area.
In my case its torches :oops:
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: Do you have a budget?

Post by ukpreppergrrl »

ForgeCorvus wrote: Mind you, I bet all Preppers have a weakness for one thing that they'll always buy..... Even if they're well covered in that area.
In my case its torches :oops:
Mine is "alternative cooking facilities utilising many different fuel sources"; that's how I justify it anyway :oops: Though at the moment I've been bitten by the communication bug and it's radios, which are dangerously potentially a whole lot more expensive! :o
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