Newbie from East Anglia

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Newbie from East Anglia

Post by Medic »

Hi all,
Just a quick post to say hello. Been into prepping for many years but was rekindled last year after watching doomsday preppers which I found interesting and sometimes amusing!

I have also got my partner into it as well which is always good.

I'm in the medical side of things as you can see from my user name, I will give advice were and when I can. I have over 24 years of pre hospital and remote medicine experience. I'm also a bit of a medical kit spotter so if your thinking of buying something you can always ask me first if I think its any good.

Thanks for reading.

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Re: Newbie from East Anglia

Post by Wulfshead »

Hi and welcome.
I think you will find time invested on UKP to be rewarding.
I look forward to your posts.

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Re: Newbie from East Anglia

Post by tigs »

welcome to the forum
Ready for Anything if still out try facebook

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Re: Newbie from East Anglia

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum. :)
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Re: Newbie from East Anglia

Post by Medic »

Thanks for all the welcomes.
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Re: Newbie from East Anglia

Post by cat72uk »

hi and welcome :D