Starting Again From Scratch

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Starting Again From Scratch

Post by Paul_H »

Hi all

Been on the forum a while although I don't post very often I do try and pop in regular and keep up with the forums.

After reading some posts here and watching some YouTube videos, I have decided to start again with my prepping as to be honest I never really got all that far along as life tends to get in the way as it does.

Now that things have got a bit more stable and iv got a bit more time on my hands I have decide now is a good time as any to revisit my preps and start from square one, for me im thinking this is my EDC what do I need day to day for "normal life" I work just over 2 miles away from where I work so my EDC is not that big just handy stuff to have but that where im going to start looking at short term.

Down the line im going to look at food storage, water storage etc. Things to keep to hand should TSHTF both for bugging in and then when that is sorted ill look at bugging out as I think I will be hunkering down before I have to bug out anywhere.

So if you could wipe the slate clean and start from scratch knowing what you know now what would you do different, whether it be how you prep or what you prep.

Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by metatron »

If you are a home owner, there are lots of worthwhile preps that are just generally useful.

Things like:
Home insulation.
Wood burner.
Water butts.
Gravel bed water treatment.
Growing veg.

If you rent and its not a long term thing, then I think prepping financially and developing skills through night classes and such are probably money better spent.

Developing a 3 month stock of food is really not too challenging, and is useful when money is short some months or if unemployment is a possibility. Storage space tents to be the only challenge.
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Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by Deeps »

Paul_H wrote:Hi all

Been on the forum a while although I don't post very often I do try and pop in regular and keep up with the forums.

After reading some posts here and watching some YouTube videos, I have decided to start again with my prepping as to be honest I never really got all that far along as life tends to get in the way as it does.

Now that things have got a bit more stable and iv got a bit more time on my hands I have decide now is a good time as any to revisit my preps and start from square one, for me im thinking this is my EDC what do I need day to day for "normal life" I work just over 2 miles away from where I work so my EDC is not that big just handy stuff to have but that where im going to start looking at short term.

Down the line im going to look at food storage, water storage etc. Things to keep to hand should TSHTF both for bugging in and then when that is sorted ill look at bugging out as I think I will be hunkering down before I have to bug out anywhere.

So if you could wipe the slate clean and start from scratch knowing what you know now what would you do different, whether it be how you prep or what you prep.
A good question, knowing what I know now I'd look at a weeks worth of food and water and an alternative means to cook/heat the food. It depends on what you view as the main reason for prepping, I don't have a 'preferred' scenario, I'm just looking at it as a form of insurance. I think one that seems to be overlooked is water, its not sexy but its the most important one to have, or at least a means of getting, whether thats with puritabs or filters (or both). Budget plays a part but getting the basics in is pretty cheap, again not very exciting getting cans of food and bottles of water but things you'll need in any situation. Building on that, basic meds like brufen/plasters and torches batteries can be had for buttons too.

As for EDC, as you've no doubt seen from the number of threads, its very much personal choice, whatever works for you, if you work a couple of miles from home you don't need to go too nuts, a small torch is always handy, plasters, maybe a small multi tool/SAK, have a think about your situation and don't get too bogged down with what others feel the need to carry. I tend to carry more if I'm a bit further from home (like a power bank for phone etc).

Most of us have built up stuff over time, I know I have. Its very easy to get 'prep envy' but whatever you have is better than nothing and I think prepping is one of those area's where you're never quite satisfied with what you have, there's always something you want or want more of. Good luck with it.
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Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by bunkai »

metatron wrote:If you are a home owner, there are lots of worthwhile preps that are just generally useful.

Things like:
Home insulation.
Wood burner.
Water butts.
Gravel bed water treatment.
Growing veg.

If you rent and its not a long term thing, then I think prepping financially and developing skills through night classes and such are probably money better spent.

Developing a 3 month stock of food is really not too challenging, and is useful when money is short some months or if unemployment is a possibility. Storage space tents to be the only challenge.
Insulation - A bit
Wood Burner - Check
Water Butts - not yet .. on list to do - do you have a filter set-up?
Gravel bed water treatment. - I'm interested, what is this for?
Growing veg. - TODO

Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by metatron »

bunkai wrote:
metatron wrote:If you are a home owner, there are lots of worthwhile preps that are just generally useful.

Things like:
Home insulation.
Wood burner.
Water butts.
Gravel bed water treatment.
Growing veg.

If you rent and its not a long term thing, then I think prepping financially and developing skills through night classes and such are probably money better spent.

Developing a 3 month stock of food is really not too challenging, and is useful when money is short some months or if unemployment is a possibility. Storage space tents to be the only challenge.
Insulation - A bit
Wood Burner - Check
Water Butts - not yet .. on list to do - do you have a filter set-up?
Gravel bed water treatment. - I'm interested, what is this for?
Growing veg. - TODO
A gravel bed water treatment system is a fairly easy way of cleaning waste water and making it drinkable, one of the other nice things about it is you can grow edible plants within it too. You can flush water from your guttering through the system into storage tanks and have clean drinkable water, food and an attractive garden water feature.
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Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by bunkai »

metatron wrote:
bunkai wrote:
metatron wrote:If you are a home owner, there are lots of worthwhile preps that are just generally useful.

Things like:
Home insulation.
Wood burner.
Water butts.
Gravel bed water treatment.
Growing veg.

If you rent and its not a long term thing, then I think prepping financially and developing skills through night classes and such are probably money better spent.

Developing a 3 month stock of food is really not too challenging, and is useful when money is short some months or if unemployment is a possibility. Storage space tents to be the only challenge.
Insulation - A bit
Wood Burner - Check
Water Butts - not yet .. on list to do - do you have a filter set-up?
Gravel bed water treatment. - I'm interested, what is this for?
Growing veg. - TODO
A gravel bed water treatment system is a fairly easy way of cleaning waste water and making it drinkable, one of the other nice things about it is you can grow edible plants within it too. You can flush water from your guttering through the system into storage tanks and have clean drinkable water, food and an attractive garden water feature.
I think I have seen that, a guy had 7 or 8 beds connected together with finer material in each. I was thinking along the lines of a water butt connected to my garage flat roof and then transferring it into either a homemade filter sand/charcoal layers or buying one of those commercial metal cylinders with a tap and in-built filter.

Have you tried drinking the water or is it just for when TSHTF?
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Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by Paul_H »

wow thanks guys

Since posting iv been having a bit more of a think and have decided to break it down into blocks. Im going to start with the EDC as well its the stuff I have day to day and so if I check that off then its one block done so to speak. I already have a smallish Molle backpack that I use day to day it was cheap and it shows but its proved a bit of a point and concept to me that I can have a bag that can hold a bit and not be too much for going back and forth from work. If it was a bug out bag then it would be a nice sized ruck but as its just day to day stuff the little bag will do me and was about £12 off ebay so cant complain. In it I have my cool bag with my butties in and my lunch etc, also has spare car key, usb drive with one or two docs on but will get more as I find them and scan them etc. Also keep a few pens a sharpe, right in the rain notebook as its England it always rains :). Small first aid kit mainly for personal use although there is one in work if im not in the building then its there as well as on in the vehicle. I have a small pouch that came from poundland think its a camera pouch but its just the right size for my 2 EE powerbars and a usb lead. Also have a torch, a wooly hat and gloves. Am starting to keep a bottle of juice in there too just incase I do have to start walking home iv got fluids. Think there is also a packet of fruit pastels for the sugar and energy.

I find the bag suits me the big pocket I can keep my cool bag, bottle of water and my thermal cup when its empty from the drive to work and gotten through the morning. The smaller of the big pockets holds my pouch with the power bars and my android tab just great, small pocket on the back has torch and smaller quick grab items and the bigger outer pocket has first aid kit, hat and gloves so there easy to get at more of the larger quick grab things.

I will be picking bits up as I do the weekly shop, tinned stuff mainly and things I can heat up quite quick, im into my camping so have gas cooker that takes the cartridges, got these in the summer when they were cheap even if not using them as they are handy to stock up and I will use them up at some point camping or out on events somewhere. I will also add some water to this as I go.

Im also going to be stocking up on things like candles, matches, lighters etc for if and when the power goes off and some items that will just make life a bit more comfortable.

I am limited on room. I live with parents as I don't really see myself being in a position to buy and im not paying good money out for rent for someone else to reap the benefits so iv got the room I have here so its under bed bottom of wardrobe the odd cupboard space etc. I also have a large shed that I built and at some point in the coming summer I will be ripping the insides out to panel out and redo shelves etc so I will make some room for spare camping stuff that will come in handy.

Finally I will look at the bug out stuff, I drive a 4x4 anyway and have a roof box that I tend to keep some of the basic camping kit in so it is there when im away for brewing up etc. I think a decent bug out bag just in case I have to leave on foot might be worth it but to be honest ill be looking at staying put unless its something like civil unrest and its physically not safe to be here but then I have to think of parents who are now both 60+ so bugging out for me is a big last resort and hopefully one ill never have to do.

Hope thats given you a bit more info and hopefully spark some ideas. I do have lots more little things in mind and some iv started but its getting late and I need sleep.

Thanks once again for all the ideas you guys have given me

Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by metatron »

bunkai wrote:
metatron wrote:
bunkai wrote:
Insulation - A bit
Wood Burner - Check
Water Butts - not yet .. on list to do - do you have a filter set-up?
Gravel bed water treatment. - I'm interested, what is this for?
Growing veg. - TODO
A gravel bed water treatment system is a fairly easy way of cleaning waste water and making it drinkable, one of the other nice things about it is you can grow edible plants within it too. You can flush water from your guttering through the system into storage tanks and have clean drinkable water, food and an attractive garden water feature.
I think I have seen that, a guy had 7 or 8 beds connected together with finer material in each. I was thinking along the lines of a water butt connected to my garage flat roof and then transferring it into either a homemade filter sand/charcoal layers or buying one of those commercial metal cylinders with a tap and in-built filter.

Have you tried drinking the water or is it just for when TSHTF?
Yeah I've drunk the water, it tastes like bottled water, which is noticeable nicer then my tap water which is extremely chalky. My house is on a water meter, so I mostly use it for everything from watering the plants to washing the car. It's a real money saver.
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Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by izzy_mack »

If I was starting from scratch I'd try to do less panic buying, I did rush out and shop with every penny I could spare and bought cheap food as I could buy enough to feed everyone for longer. now if shtf at that point I would have done the right thing, thankfully it didn't so eventually dogs and hens got some funny meals :? which of course was a waste of money in the long term.

I now buy the brands we use which for somethings are the cheaper ones but not for others. I would definately wait till I had the funds and buy better equipment, cheap stuff is ok as a spare but for many things quality pays.

Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by metatron »

For food storage, I wish someone had told me earlier on that once 24 hour ration packs had been deployed, they have to get shot of them, even know they have never been opened and that you can buy them directly from the MOD and contracted companies by the pallet for next to nothing.

Being that they last for three to five years for safe consumption it would have saved me money and space.