What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by nickdutch »

instinctively going back to a cheaper way of life like I did post 07 - 08 just in case.
Having mung beans more and also baking my own oat cakes. basic oat cakes are totally easy to make.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by DustyDog »

Nikdutch, yup I like the idea of an cheaper time, need to save the pennies too, got bills to pay etc. You can't beat beans sometimes.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Kris369 »

Going to be a dad, so it's time to clear my spare room, save up and do some baby prepping.

Due Xmas day! So Christmas is going to be expensive.

But I guess a child is a prep for someone to look after you in your old age. :lol:
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Decaff »

Congratulations!! What lovely news :P
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by pseudonym »

Decaff wrote:Congratulations!! What lovely news :P

+1 to that.

Baby BOBs now. ;)

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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Kris369 »

Thanks, yes lots to prep for. Baby maneuvres seem to require more kit then Invading.

Will be putting a baby bag together with whatever is required and then extra. Already snapping up baby bargains and sure mount nappy will spring up whenever I see offers.

On a BOB note, it really changes everything with a newborn it's not just more stuff but buggin out to anything but a hotel or family/friends is a absolute no. So I'm reevaluating my plans. I could happily live in the woods but never consider it now.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by womble »

Congrats on the news!

I hear (maybe someone else can back this up with personal experience) that washable nappies are "preferred" these days, being less environmentally disastrous and, for a prepper, less vulnerable to supply chain interruptions. Maybe worth investigating?
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Kris369 »

Cheers. Yes have thought about re-usable nappies, if only as a prep. Think it will be a combination of them both. Sometimes far easier to use disposable.

Regards prepping baby food/milk for 0-6month anyone have any tips? Assume powdered formula and jars is the way to go?
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Arzosah »

Kris369 wrote:Cheers. Yes have thought about re-usable nappies, if only as a prep. Think it will be a combination of them both. Sometimes far easier to use disposable.
I agree, if you're down with a lurgy or something, disposable could be a godsend, whereas you'd want to use reusable normally.
Regards prepping baby food/milk for 0-6month anyone have any tips? Assume powdered formula and jars is the way to go?
Breast milk is often the way to go :D But formula, practised beforehand, is a good option for emergencies.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Medusa »

Kris369 wrote:Cheers. Yes have thought about re-usable nappies, if only as a prep. Think it will be a combination of them both. Sometimes far easier to use disposable.

Regards prepping baby food/milk for 0-6month anyone have any tips? Assume powdered formula and jars is the way to go?
Congrats on your news! I would agree breast if possible, no sterilising, no bottles to make up or wash but sometimes it doesn't happen for various reasons and babe is happier on a bottle. However, I would be careful about stocking up on formula until you know which one is fine for the little one, sometimes one brand might not suit the little one whereas another will. If you do go down the bottle route or not, I would stock up on some milton or cold water sterilising tablets or fluid just in case of power cuts in the case of microwave or steam sterilisers. You will no doubt find a 101 uses for the baby wipes once you are a parent or just buy cotton wool pleats and use warm water for nappy changes. Also muslin squares, great for dribbles, sick, general clean ups and could be used for straining food, water etc in an emergency situation.
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