Geiger counters

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Re: Geiger counters

Post by MBJ »

For the most part it is already too late.

There have been over 2000 nuclear bombs set off as air borne tests by the USSR, USA, France and Britain since 1945 in addition to the two relatively 'small' bombs in comparison dropped on Japan.

This has contributed to a massive spike in the Earth's background radiation levels which have contributed to increases in cancer etc.

Fortunately the levels began to drop after the PTBT (Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963) which outlawed air and above ground tests but it'll still be between the years 2040 - 2050 (possibly longer) until people can be born without increased risk of contracting cancer in their life times.

It's also why pre 1945 metals are so valuable as they weren't irradiated whilst being made, hence why so much of the metal from sunken WWII warships has been salvaged and recovered.

So yeah, Chernobyl and Fukushima are important events, but they're small potatoes compared to the real story.

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Re: Geiger counters

Post by Pete_59 »

I'm still not happpy that a cloud of iodine 131 is spreading across europe with no apperent source, or at least not one that anyone is addmiting to, and from the various reports I've read Fukushima isn't small potatoes, there's evidence that it has been continuosly pouring radio active contamination into the pacific with devastating impact on the marine life as far as the west coast of America, apparently Japanese goods have been siezed in Russia as they show high levels of radiation, and a company in Japan that processes and sells tea has had to stop because the tea is radioactivly contaminated.

Now I'm not saying that all this is totally true as I have developed a very cynical view of global media, however there are too many reports from too many diverse sources that are saying similar things to ignore that something bad is happening, the degree of the problem is not yet clear.
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Re: Geiger counters

Post by Deeps »

I'm more worried about this fellah.


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Re: Geiger counters

Post by Jamesey1981 »

It's the crab people that worry me.....

Back on topic though, you can get Geiger counter adaptors that plug into your phone and use an app, never used one though so I can't comment on the reliability, I'm sure there will be some reviews out there, for one thing a lot of vintage watch collectors will have a Geiger counter to check if a radium dial is genuine so it's not just us foil hat wearers that have an interest.
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Re: Geiger counters

Post by shocker »

Brambles wrote:Generally we do ask that any news such as this is supplied with some sort of link to the complete story to avoid scaremongering and inaccuracies. If you could remember this for future reference, cheers.

The best I can find is a report from 6 days ago by the Independant. ... 91886.html

'Mysterious radioactive spikes are being found across Europe – and nobody quite knows why.

Iodine-131, a man-made radioactive material, is being found in small amounts across the continent. It was found in northern Norway early in January, according to officials, but has been gradually moving across the rest of Europe ever since.

But despite finding the material in January, authorities didn’t announce that it had been found until recent days. That might be because it isn't at all clear where it has come from or how it got to be spread out.
Further information makes the find even more unusual. Iodine-131 is usually found alongside other radioactive materials, but it wasn't. And it has a short half-life – the time required for one half of the atoms of a radioactive substance to disintegrate – but a significant amount of it was found, meaning that it is likely that it was introduced very recently.

It isn't clear where Iodine-131 would ever have been released from. The US has deployed specialised planes to fly over Europe and isolate it – but have mostly failed.'

FYI- Half life of Iodine-131 is 8 days. ... iodine.pdf
Bram, to clarify a bit, its very hard to give quotable sources because, as has been pointed out, anything on youtube or similar sites would be taken down quickly. And it is. Its not me but my (much) better half who does this kind of research chez shocks and being from an academic background (which I am very, very much not) she sifts and cross references stuff before she discusses it with me. By which time many of her sources have been deleted. I have been shown mapping by , the international atomic energy agency, amongst others, that has gaps in the timeline of mapping but it is quite well hidden.

I do not want to scaremonger or cause distress, I was answering a post about the availability of geiger counters which given the long term effects of the ongoing fukashima situation (which is covered in mainstream) will eventually be a concern to us, I am lead to believe.

However, as I said above, DANA DURNSFORD reports daily on the situation in the pacific post fukashima and has mentioned the european issue recently. He has a website ; but his youtube posts are taken down as soon as they have livestreamed. He is an ex commercial diver with 14000 (yes 14 thousand) hours underwater and an ex commercial fisherman who has documented the destruction of the ecology of the pacific coast of canada and alaska for 5 years. Personally, boots on the ground, flippers in the water. He has been repeatedly arrested, jailed, prosecuted, fined but continues his crusade. Take from it what you will.

Personally I sift through what the mrs tells me, what I can see and what I can read, I do not belive any news agency or source is without its personal or political/financial bias, not even the Independent! So its hard to give quotable links since I form a personal opinion from many sources, taking something from all whilst considering how much skin they have in the game, trying to build some likely overall picture.

My sincere apologies if I have crossed any forum lines or upset people - it is hard to give solid links to a personal opinion or to posts that have been deleted. I try to look at many new news feeds from around the world, France24, Euronews, Aljaz, RT, Fox, and many other english language internet sources,Lionel Nation etc etc bearing in mind the inherent bias, to glean some kind of aggregate of likelyhood.

But anyway, hows about keeping on thread, the availability of geiger counters, rather than arguing about whether its needed or not? If someone feels they need one surely thats their shout, and suitable replies would address that ...or am I wrong or out of order ? If we go down that path then people coming to the forum may feel there are questions they cannot ask for fear of being knocked down..,if they feel they need it who can say they are wrong to feel that ?or am I wrong again ?

Please let me know so I dont type my foot into my mouth again :? ;)

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Re: Geiger counters

Post by Pete_59 »

Shocker, thank you for your post, I was in fact seriously considering leaving the forum or at least ceasing to take any active part in it.

I believe there is sufficient evidence to give some credibility to my concerns, if you choose not to see it that way then that is your choice, if you have constructive criticism or sources of information that contradict what I think then I’m always willing to listen, however I don’t appreciate having my fears ridiculed.

I thought part of being a prepper was to keep yourself informed of what’s happening that may affect you and then take whatever steps you deem necessary, or was I wrong?

If no one can help answer my question then so be it and I will look elsewhere for the information I need.
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Re: Geiger counters

Post by Brambles »

Right, Firstly, I'm not knocking anyone and I would agree it's important to keep yourself informed, however, heresay and unsubstantiated reports frequently offer poor information.
Secondly, over the years we have had info posted on here, that some people have taken as gospel only to have it found false or worse, incorrect.
All I have asked is that as per forum rules a credible source be provided so that anyone else who wants to, can follow the story on their own and can delve further.
Finally, it's not difficult to provide a link with a headline or soundbite and it's in everyone's interest to have further information available. I believe it's entirely a personal thing as to who we believe or not, I also believe people need the facts to be able to make up their own mind.
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Re: Geiger counters

Post by shocker »

Fair enough Bambles, taken on board and understood...I should read the rules again :)
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Re: Geiger counters

Post by Pete_59 »

Brambles wrote: heresay and unsubstantiated reports frequently offer poor information.
You're right, but then that can be applied to every single peice of news that you hear, regardless of it's source, unless you were actually there to witness the event.

As I said in one of my earlier posts

Now I'm not saying that all this is totally true as I have developed a very cynical view of global media, however there are too many reports from too many diverse sources that are saying similar things to ignore that something bad is happening, the degree of the problem is not yet clear.

I think at this point it's probably best to lock this thread as I don't feel anything useful is going to come out of it, nothing that has been said has changed my view of what's going on, and if people feel that it's all unsubstantiated so be it, just consider that many non-preppers feel that way about everything we do.
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Re: Geiger counters

Post by Brambles »

Really peeps. What you believe or not is up to you and not once have I said you're wrong.
If you read my post, the link I provided, actually agrees with both of you, as it says that there was indeed a spike in various locations of Iodine-131 and this was in the mainstream news.
God you lot are hard work sometimes! :)
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