What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

How are you preparing
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Le Mouse
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Le Mouse »

Britcit wrote:
Good luck in the morning.
Fanks Britcit! :)

I'll consider myself lucky if I come home tomorrow with just a numb mouth and all my teeth! :mrgreen:
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Deeps »

Le Mouse wrote:
Britcit wrote:
Good luck in the morning.
Fanks Britcit! :)

I'll consider myself lucky if I come home tomorrow with just a numb mouth and all my teeth! :mrgreen:
Sound more like a fight than anything else :o

Glad you're getting your storage sorted though missus.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by shocker »

Good luck with the dentist Mouse, sincerely hope all goes as well as it can. I have an appt this afternoon, a crown on a molar, one of the only facing pair I have left.

La Shockette is in too, for a hygienist. Last time she went the dentist put adrenaline in the local jab and you could have heard the scream at the other end of the street. The bloke came close to getting panelled that time, not by me, by the mrs- Im too slow off the blocks these days. But I will have to warn him in advance that he may be getting fitted for some ivory if he tries that bollocks on me! Again, more from the mrs. :shock: ;)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Le Mouse »

Thanks for the good wishes! I survived the dentist. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, although the numb face has likely been deferred to the appointment I already had booked in for Monday. It sounds like there's a good chance that I'll get to keep the wobbly tooth, but there will be some discomfort to get there (scary sounding scaling and root planing). And it looks like I'll have to go in every 3 months for cleaning for the foreseeable future (urgh). Hey ho, at least I shouldn't be ending up like my Nan who had all her teeth removed at 50 because of gum disease! :shock:

The dentist trip was quite useful because it also gave me an opportunity to check out my old get-home route which I thought had become a no-no after building work started. I would need to check out the whole route, but for now it looks like I could still get home from work avoiding quite a lot of roads if I had to with only a minor change in route. But I will have to keep an eye on the building progress because it won't be long before that entire stretch of land has a whole new housing estate on it - and on a flood plain too! :roll:
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by jansman »

Nice to see you back Le Mouse. :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by shocker »

Right, back from the dentist - they gave La Shox a script for ultra flouride toothpaste. Normal toothpaste has 0.1 micro gram of sodium flouride per gram of paste, this stuff has 1 mili gram per gram of paste. So a thousand times more than normal. :shock:

She was a little concerned, so went to the net and found a 2012 Harvard/China Medical Uni meta analysis on 27 different studies...she says she wont be using the toothpaste so she must have found something worrying. :?

I dont want to get into the flouride debate because it all ends up political, I only mentioned it because it was a bit surprising, something having a thousand times more of an active ingredient than usual. Very surprising. Well, I thought so, anyway... :oops:

I had a molar ground down to a peg, to have a crown fitted next week. That and loads of casts and impressions made. I had a big problem with the whole affair as the dentist insisted that I breathe through my nose. Now, after some head injuries, my nose only works on one nostril (handy, as I only have one lung!) and my sinus (partial) and palate have been rebuilt. Sooo...my attempts at nose-only breathing added up to a kind of choking snore. Which the dentist found very annoying and I found hilarious. When I was able to breathe at all.

Anyway, he put a capping layer on my incisors that are snapped off halfway which is great as that is where the pain was. Result ! :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Been totting through the camping gear and now have some tents, a couple of bags (one ruck, one holdall) and some other stuff on the transfer list.
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by ClericalError »

More weed-eating experiments: in which I discovered I love sow thistles: mild taste and lovely texture. Could be a gateway weed to all sorts of other weeds ;-)

I made some stock by simmering a couple of duck legbones with a little flesh left on for ages, then added chopped potato and simmered another 20mins or so, then added chopped onion, then finally stirred in some torn sow thistle leaves and seasoned. This made a delicious soup.

I'm also decluttering some other stuff to get at the preps I stored about 15 months ago to rotate them - I have now been a (bit of a) prepper (on and off) for long enough to need to check expiry dates.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by BlinkingCory »

Picked up six new hens this morning, upping their number to nine in total.
Moved the run last night, so they are busy checking out their new digs.

Getting some carrots and parsnips into the ground after a brew, then some windowsill seedlings can go into the greenhouse. Toms, chillies and peppers.
To be honest I'm clueless with the gardening, just sort of wing it but it usually works.

Oh yeah, hens need worming.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by shocker »

Dont forget the Red Mites ! Never a dull moment with hens :lol: what breed have you got ?
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