Hello from the Wirral

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Hello from the Wirral

Post by John1788 »

Hi,myself a friend who used to be in the army decided now that we have family's to get our backside's in to gear in case anything ever happend and we had to take off.Not to sure what we are expecting to happen not to sure about the zombie invasion I keep hearing about on YouTube but my thinking is weather related and as we have the river Mersey one side and the river dee the other my thinking is a flood or something along them lines.We both have enough to get our family's by for 72 hrs I.e. food & water and a RV point at Bidston hill which is close and also the highest point in our area. Hope to never have to use it all but atleast we have give ourselves a fighting chance,if there are any others from the Wirral on here would love to hear your plans,cheers John.

Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by decoy111 »

Theres a members map but you have to send a Pm to an admin to get onto it. Welcome, Being ex army youl be used to having 20-30+ pounds on your back :D
I still swear a british army sleeping bag is the best one on the world. Theres a lot of people preparing for somthing subconsciously, reminds me of the map that women drew on the BBC in the 90s about how she expected the UK to be flooded on mass. Similar predictions in the US as well, At the very least, prepping for unemployment and inflation is just good sense.

Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by Rosesandtea »

Hi and welcome to the forum. :)
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Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum. :)
Two is one and one is none, but three is even better.

Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by preppingsu »

hello and welcome

Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by i_am_jim »

welcome to the forum dude.

Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by maxilaura »

hello and welcome
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Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by itsybitsy »

Hello and welcome. :mrgreen:
Posts: 59
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Location: Wirral,Merseyside

Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by John1788 »

Thanks for the Welcomes,if any admins read this can you please add me to the members map as I am unable to pm and ask myself,thanks again.

Re: Hello from the Wirral

Post by preppingsu »

John1788 wrote:Thanks for the Welcomes,if any admins read this can you please add me to the members map as I am unable to pm and ask myself,thanks again.
It is a member axelt123 who sorts out the map, not the admin sorry. I'll PM him and say you would like to be added. :D