Bugging Out ?

Homes and Retreats

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

Cool :)

I'll be stopping and docking wherever is poss to re-stock (I'm sure I've said this before) and suss out wtf is going on wherever, if it's t up over here I'll head for [spits] Europe and make my way round that, I've travelled alot Bear sometimes with nothing but the pack I carried, and for years so I'm quite good at the nomad life. It's not everyones cuppa but as I said I haven't got the resources or the space needed to 'bug' in. I don't have alot of options, if my friends aren't in the country when it goes t up then I'm sure they won't mind too much if I 'borrow' a boat as long as I pick em up somewhere. :)

I remember the going to get them comment btw, I made it in regard to the other 3 of my kids and grandchildren, and they're on the North Kent Coast about 60 nautical miles away.

Sis has been through collapse in Egypt already, she lives in Sharm and was in Cairo when tshtf, our family are good at surviving, she's currently planning on coming back to UK, not sure if that's a good or bad move tbh?
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Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Ferricks »

Bear86 wrote:
Chef wrote:Who the fluck would want to go to Egypt, I said my sister lives there????

I'd be sailing round the British coast for as long as poss and if it was too bad over here heading over the channel, yeah I have a harbour full of boats, I also have alot of friends with boats in that harbour, no I don't have a boat ready stocked, and btw Nemo sailed a SUBMARINE not a boat!
My apologies when you said off to find them i assumed your meant you sister who you said was in Egypt. As long as your just sailing round the coast you should be fine. Just promise me you will take a warm coat :)

I know Nemo sailed a submarine, i meant his mentality has he designed the submarine to stay out at see forever and be able to resupply the submarine at see and never make contact with land again.

I am SORE laughing at you two and your mad cross purposes posts.... thank you so much, i was having as pretty miserable night! :lol:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Huntsman »

Chef wrote:Cool :)

I'll be stopping and docking wherever is poss to re-stock (I'm sure I've said this before) and suss out wtf is going on wherever, if it's t up over here I'll head for [spits] Europe and make my way round that, I've travelled alot Bear sometimes with nothing but the pack I carried, and for years so I'm quite good at the nomad life. It's not everyones cuppa but as I said I haven't got the resources or the space needed to 'bug' in. I don't have alot of options, if my friends aren't in the country when it goes t up then I'm sure they won't mind too much if I 'borrow' a boat as long as I pick em up somewhere. :)

I remember the going to get them comment btw, I made it in regard to the other 3 of my kids and grandchildren, and they're on the North Kent Coast about 60 nautical miles away.

Sis has been through collapse in Egypt already, she lives in Sharm and was in Cairo when tshtf, our family are good at surviving, she's currently planning on coming back to UK, not sure if that's a good or bad move tbh?
Would the boat be big enough to cross the North sea, because if you go to one if the costal forests of Norway, I can assure you that you will never see another person again. Oh and its full of fish, game and wild plants!
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diamond lil
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Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by diamond lil »

:mrgreen: I'm having a good laugh meself here. It's easy to talk but the reality is different. This has never happened to any of us in our generation and it's all what-ifs. I'm very glad I live where I do though, I think Scotland is far better placed to bug out in because we have the empty spaces. But far harder to survive in because of the climate.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by bulldogeagle »

like Chef i dont have a large enough garden(although we have one of the largest gardens on the estate-it's still quite small) not big enough to do what we want with regards to growing, i would also like to keep chickens, also we dont own it, its HA so alterations are not allowed, would like to put in a wood burner but landlord refused. also post SHTF can you imagine what any property on the mains would be like without those same services? no electric, no gas, no water and toilets backed up?? thats why i have 7 or 8 BOL's lined up in case of dire emergency, no dont become a refugee that make a lot of sense, but have a back up plan and somewhere to run to does make sense, somewhere you can go to see out the emergency and come back as and when and IF the situation reverts to "business as usual", preppers should have the same motto we had in the Boy Scouts "BE PREPARED", its not just about stocking food and water, its also having a plan of action should the situation arise.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Huntsman »

diamond lil wrote::mrgreen: I'm having a good laugh meself here. It's easy to talk but the reality is different. This has never happened to any of us in our generation and it's all what-ifs. I'm very glad I live where I do though, I think Scotland is far better placed to bug out in because we have the empty spaces. But far harder to survive in because of the climate.
I wish I did live closer to the highlands but unfortunately I live right where every one is going to bug out to, the Brecon beacons and the forest of dean. But I'm no longer worried my Bol is 0.3 miles from where I am now, in some woods (part of the forest) as you will all see later (im going to post pictures) I'm not worried the woods I'm bugging out too are very creepy, and there is only one path through. I have also walked these woods for nearly 10 years. I know every ditch and stream. I have caches of supplies (barbed wire, modified rat traps that use a trip wire to set them off, causing it to break a glow stick for early warning as well as tools and a couple of books). I always figured throughout the woods if the shtf I could hang up animal skulls and weird scary things to creep the hell out of people. While I watch without them even knowing. :lol:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

Huntsman wrote:Would the boat be big enough to cross the North sea, because if you go to one if the costal forests of Norway, I can assure you that you will never see another person again. Oh and its full of fish, game and wild plants!
Well this ones the smallest so...


Pic taken from an awesome BOL which already has supplies on it. :mrgreen:



Solid as a rock, except the only way on and off which is the ladder


Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Huntsman »

Chef wrote:
Huntsman wrote:Would the boat be big enough to cross the North sea, because if you go to one if the costal forests of Norway, I can assure you that you will never see another person again. Oh and its full of fish, game and wild plants!
Well this ones the smallest so...


Pic taken from an awesome BOL which already has supplies on it. :mrgreen:



Solid as a rock, except the only way on and off which is the ladder


Your supplies or others, is that place out by sea land?

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

No they're left there from a guy who stayed on the seafort for a month to write a book, loads of cans too, and surprisingly not very rusty considering they've been there for years open to the sea air.


Nope nowhere near Sea Land, which has to be the ultimate BOL lmao :D

Wouldn't be hard to stock it up though there aren't many people stupid enough to climb that ladder and nick your stash, the only other way on is via heli.

Found a better pic of the ladder and landing beam. :lol:


We've done a few weekenders there in the summer, would be a bit nippy in a force 8 in winter. :mrgreen:
Last edited by Chef on Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:51 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Huntsman »

Is it a long journey out there