What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by swompy15 »

maxilaura wrote:spent an hour at the allotment up the road from me speaking to an elderly gentleman who has been there for over 15 years and got some sound advice from him as to what to grow and what not to grow in our area. Its amazing how helpful some people are compared to the vast majority out there.
they are out there its suprising how nice people are some times an elderly neighbour was vrey helpfull when we got talking about that I was starting a veg plot he gave me lots of tips showed me around his veg garden and he even gave me some cabbage plants to get me started top bloke.

I have been a bit slow on the preps this week havent acomplished much at all :( except buying some cheep batteries and making a list of things i need to get soon.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by chris8472 »

Slimslim wrote:NBC Suit finally arrived :D although tbh will be using it more for hunting rather than its intended purpose... Also picked up a few cans of corned beef and a single tin of Sardines to try.

Which reminds me has anyone got any good recipes for tinned sardines? I had them the other day and found they tasted far .... FAR better then they looked.... Anything that might make them look a little more appetising in order to get the other half eating them?
i like sardines in brine with lemon and coriander cous cous and sardines the ones in tomato sauce on toast under the grill to brown them a bit havent had that for a while mmm felling pekish now ;)

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by smileyt »

Hello people. I am back again. Missed you all and decided it was time to start prepping again after sticking my head in the sand for a while.

I now have four water butts, two of which are converted wheelie bins. I don't have chooks any longer. I sold the pen and have got a plastic walk-in greenhouse and 30kg of playsand to put into separate bags, add water, and weigh it down with! :lol: I can't sell the old hen house as it's contaminated with some nasty chicken virus, so I have taken the side off it and it is being used as a small garden shed.

Is it too late to put potatoes in? I haven't had the energy to go down to my allotment so they are still chitting on my window ledge here. I have loads of large cardboard boxes which I have flattened and am going to take down to the lottie to cover the weeds and try to get it more under control. So I am trying (yes, very trying :lol: ).

Hope you are all well. xx

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Chef »

Well, I'm still pretty new here so don't think we'll have met but I'm the latest 'black sheep' of the 'family' :mrgreen:

Seems I don't tend to think the same way as most ;) so I'd chuck the chits in and see what happens, I'm really not one for conforming though. I have some myself that I kept meaning to get in but now it's a couple of months too late apparently so, meh, I'll chuck em in anyway, if they come up then they do, if they don't they don't, if they do and the dog tramples them fine, if I get some potatoes, cool. :D

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by maddriver »

Meant to get my potatoes in beginning of April, didn't get them in till beginning May. I'm with Chef, stick em in, if they come up great, if not dig over and use the ground for some thing else. Nothing lost!
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Ferricks »

I also vote to "chuck em in" - keep a few in pots / bins / compost bags as well and that way you can sling them in the greenhouse later in the year when the toms / whatever else are over and they can keep going a wee bit longer after their late start.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Chef »

Ferricks wrote:I also vote to "chuck em in" - keep a few in pots / bins / compost bags as well and that way you can sling them in the greenhouse later in the year when the toms / whatever else are over and they can keep going a wee bit longer after their late start.
Great idea, got a black dustbin I never used. :)

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by preppingsu »

smileyt wrote:Hello people. I am back again. Missed you all and decided it was time to start prepping again after sticking my head in the sand for a while.

I now have four water butts, two of which are converted wheelie bins. I don't have chooks any longer. I sold the pen and have got a plastic walk-in greenhouse and 30kg of playsand to put into separate bags, add water, and weigh it down with! :lol: I can't sell the old hen house as it's contaminated with some nasty chicken virus, so I have taken the side off it and it is being used as a small garden shed.

Is it too late to put potatoes in? I haven't had the energy to go down to my allotment so they are still chitting on my window ledge here. I have loads of large cardboard boxes which I have flattened and am going to take down to the lottie to cover the weeds and try to get it more under control. So I am trying (yes, very trying :lol: ).

Hope you are all well. xx
Smiley (she shouts excitedly) great to have you back! :) sounds like you're doing just fine. Chuck those spuds in, it's not too late. I think it's going to be a late growing season due to the colder weather anyway. Have you still got the dogs? How's work, if you don't mind me asking?
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by diamond lil »

:mrgreen: Hi smiley!

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by bulldogeagle »

putting the final touches to my GHB, also have made up a mini survival kit for the car which will stay in there permanently, very basic but will allow me to make a fire, see where i'm going and fix up some kind of shelter includes a mini first aid kit and a heavy knife.