Hi from Cheshire

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Hi from Cheshire

Post by cyclops »

I am Mark, I am 44. Just starting on the baby steps to proper prepping. Although I have always had reserves of stuff for a week, I am gradually taking it a step further with the on-going Euro crisis and also the political situations in Europe and an eye on the Middle East (Iran,Libya,etc) and how it could affect us and what it could mean in the longer term to us in the UK through possible fuel and food shortages,etc. I learned on a smaller scale from my Mum as we went through 3 day weeks and power cut-off's at night in the 1970's and also as an ex-serviceman.


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Re: Hi from Cheshire

Post by itsybitsy »

Hello Mark, welcome to the forum. :D

Re: Hi from Cheshire

Post by skippy »

Hi and welcome


Re: Hi from Cheshire

Post by preppingsu »

welcome to the forum. Good to have you on board. :D

Re: Hi from Cheshire

Post by buttystella »

welcome and enjoy

Re: Hi from Cheshire

Post by maxilaura »

Hello Mark, welcome

Re: Hi from Cheshire

Post by Rosesandtea »

Hi and welcome! :)
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Re: Hi from Cheshire

Post by John1788 »

Hi m8, in in the Wirral so not to far from Cheshire or in it if you go by post codes :-)