What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing
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diamond lil
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by diamond lil »

Just been to Costco and bought a load of pasta, then into Sainsbugs for a load of tinned potatoes - use-by date is 2015. The local paper says Scottish farmers have issued a warning of failed harvest + higher food prices later in the year. :shock:

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Bear86 »

I also did some shopping, i started a cereal section in my preps the 46p a bag kind it should keep might go soft but it won't go off most cereal is just oats, wheat or corn. Seems a good way to store wheat or corn if it 46p per 750g just stock up on some powdered milk and my cereal section is good to go.

Also got some bars of jelly good to eat on the go some going in my bag, or use as a preserve possibly, wonder how long meat would keep in the middle of some set jelly.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Optimystic »

Thanks Jansman!

Today i picked up a couple of emergency foil tents, some light sticks, and 10ltr folding water bags from Poundland, all for a pound each!
Going to hit Asda tomorrow for a tins top up!
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by jansman »

Arzosah wrote:Count me in around bug out bags - I do have one, its true, but its much more based around "if there's a fire or a flood, what will I need to put an insurance claim in and get my life running again" - so its got all the normal documents, plus a toothbrush and toothpaste and handcream (they don't do that stuff any more at travelodge!). Plus a mini pack of playing cards, a bit of cash, that sort of thing. Not a running-from-the-zombies type thing, not at all.

In relation to the zombies, tho, I've bought a mahoosive great tub of petroleum jelly (for starting a campfire) and some nice strong storage bags.

I was also delving into the depths of stored electrical this that and the other, and came across my wind up radio! Am/FM, with a dynamo and flashlight. Luckily, I kept the instructions with it, so I'm going to have a play this afternoon and store it with the "bob", such as it is, travelodge car parks are dark at night :lol:
I think what you have there is bang on. "Bug out to a Trvelodge".It puts all that kit into perspective. I.E. you don't need that much to look out for you and yours. Thanks.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.


Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Ian »

Many of your neighbours will also consider moving to a TravelLodge in times of need. I feel that it is better to have a list of pre-checked, small B&Bs in a circle around your location ready to go. They should be more easily accessible and there will always be a number upwind of any atmospheric problem. It would not take much effort to visit a number during your local walks and scope out their details, price, size, facilities, parking and so on. Even making your number with the proprietor may give you a priority if you turn up at 03:00 on a rainy night. I have found B&Bs more understanding of your needs, washing clothes, looking after children and so on, more homely.

Many hotels are pre-booked for evacuation use so might already be full when you turn up. Also from my experience raise their prices to take advantage when dozens of people turn up at once.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Delightful »

Bear86 wrote:I also did some shopping, i started a cereal section in my preps the 46p a bag kind it should keep might go soft but it won't go off most cereal is just oats, wheat or corn. Seems a good way to store wheat or corn if it 46p per 750g just stock up on some powdered milk and my cereal section is good to go.
Nestle's FB page has a £1 cereal voucher on it and Asda and Tesco have some cereals on offer for £1. Prints 2 per account so that could be a lot of free cereal.

This week I've bought heirloom veg seeds and a boat load of water treatment tablets, foraging, done four plyometric workouts and made mini kits to go in all my handbags. Each has antiseptic wipes, plasters, dressing, safety pins, ibuprofen, energy drink sachet, cystitis sachet, water treatment tablets and wind up torch all zipped in a plastic wallet. Only really anticipating tube breaking down and falling over or feeling ropey on my commute or longer train journey.
I've forgotten A-Z/maps!! Must get!!!

I'm off to Asda later and will get bottled water, pasta, powdered milk, can opener and tinned potatoes.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by moocher »

Got a Cobb BBQ oven second hand,so need to get some more solid fuel for it.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by pseudonym »

5 Kg bag of rice and 2 more wind up torches.
Two is one and one is none, but three is even better.
Le Mouse

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Le Mouse »

Maplin's got some good offers on. Bought a wind-up torch, a head torch, a multi-tool two pack, mini tool set (screwdrivers, craft knife, ratchet spanner with bits, etc.) and shedloads of batteries (buy one pack, get two free).

99p shop haul today: 4 cans of the deodorant that I like (would normally be £2-3 in other shops) and more toothpaste. And a shedload of posh Lindt chocolate that they have in at the minute... :oops:
Might go back later in the week to see if they've still got the shower gel I like and stock up on that. Don't half get funny looks at the till...

To do list: inventory food stocks and supplies. That job is waaaaay overdue.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by metatron »

Signed up to do more Tough Mudder events and also Men's Health Survival of the Fittest, good event to get you ready to deal with many things.