Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

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Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by dodgy360 »

I have been prepping and reducing any dependence on services, supermarkets and the state for a quite a few years.

Moved last year to a rural location, a bit of land, surrounded by farm land, farm shop and gradually ticking off items on the list to be independent with regards to life's necessities. Before I moved I used up my prep stores and need to rebuild this up.

Major home infrastructure items, such as solar PV and Thermal, Well clean up and connection to house, septic tank and a bunch of other normal DIY stuff, have and are taking most of my spare cash and time.

Other than natural challenges I see Social breakdown, food chain and oil supply issues as areas of concern. Being prepared for such things I see as my responsibility to my family. My family are partially onboard.

I have had plenty of ideas (some good and some bad) and look forward to sharing these with forum members. You may even be able to steer me away from making expensive mistakes.


Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by preppingsu »

Hello and welcome to the forum :D
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Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by Ferricks »

Hi and welcome - thanks for a good intro!
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Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by Arzosah »

Welcome! Thats going to be really interesting to hear the steps you're taking to achieve your goals, especially about the well! And I agree with you about what the dangers are, I think a lot of people do.

Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by wolfpup »

Welcome from Lancashire

Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by Teapot »

Welcome! It sounds like you're working towards a good setup! :)
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Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum. :)
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Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by tigs »

welcome to the forum
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Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by 24942895 »


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
just a number, nothing to see here, move along now..

Re: Hi all from rural/coastal Essex

Post by TorNicho »

Welcome from a fellow Essex prepper.