Loft or shed

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Loft or shed

Post by Magenta16v »

Evening all.
I have some large plastic tubs with lids and am thinking where best to store them. They will only contain tinned foods.
What do you think is best . The loft or shed .
I ask as both with be hot in the summer and cold in the winter so will be subject to different temperatures

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Re: Loft or shed

Post by ORAC1 »

Very easy to decide, fill you plastic container with tinned goods then try carrying it to the loft.

After two attempts you will choose the shed... :lol:
Area 2

Re: Loft or shed

Post by Reservior »

You will need to insulate against drastic changes in temperature, using either option. She'd is probably easier to do this.

Re: Loft or shed

Post by the7ps »

Just to play devils advocate;

How secure is the shed? If I was planning on stocking somewhere with vast preps my loft would be more secure. :?:
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Re: Loft or shed

Post by jansman »

The temperature variation in the loft will be wild. Shed I suggest.
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Re: Loft or shed

Post by Plymtom »

Fill half the boxes with light non perishables and put them in the roofspace, fill the other half with dangerous sh*t like gas cartidges and put them in the shed, then find somewhere else for the tins get creative with your hiding places, an otterman with a thin layer of blankets (put them in the boxes in the roof) on top, take the bottom drawer out of all your chests of drawers and fill up the space behind the plinth with tins, same under kitchen units, normal temperatures and wasted space which can take the weight. ;)
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Re: Loft or shed

Post by Moony »

Fluctuating temperatures are worse for food spoilage (in general) than somewhere moderately warm all the time. It might be possible to stick some insulating panels in either location to reduce the amount of fluctuation. In the loft this will help you keep the house warm, but is likely to need more insulation. In the shed it will use less (and so be cheaper) but won't keep you any warmer :?
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Re: Loft or shed

Post by tigs »

if the plastic tubs are air/water tight bury them ! it will help with temp control
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Re: Loft or shed

Post by Reservior »

Bury them under the shed?