What is your favorite part of prepping?

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What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by icrcc »

We all prep, it's a choice and we do it because we enjoy it. What is your favorite part of prepping? It could be one of the pillars of prepping; shelter, water, food and security. It could be preparing a BOB, BOL, or designing a fool proof escape route. It might be forming or being part of a group. For some people it could be acquiring and storing all those non food items that you will need in a SHTF situation. Of course it could be going to meets or conversing with like minded people on forums like this one. Perhaps it's just the peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for the unexpected. What do you enjoy the most about prepping?
It may never happen. Best to be prepared just in case.


Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by preppingsu »

Never running out of loo roll :lol: (which I am embarrassed to say we used to regularly run out! :oops: )

Seriously, its knowing that if we run out of something in the kitchen cupboards I can go to my 'store' and there will be some there, instead of having to jump in the car and rush to the supermarket. That gives me a warm fuzzy as I'm looking after my family.
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by diamond lil »

Not having to go out and shovel half a bloody mountain of snow off the whole street to make it to the main road to trek 11 miles to the nearest shop if I need something!

Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by Bradthunder »

I have to say designing the perfect BOB/GHB (which I am still a ways off). The idea of constantly changing as your needs dictate, which usually requires a good deal of research to find the best prices for the best piece of kit that you have suddenly realised you should probably have. Then emptying out the things and re-packing them with the knowledge that as of that particular moment in time, you're as ready as your are ever going to be. Until.........
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by jansman »

Favourite bit? Tonight knowing the lighting ring main upstairs is shot. And I have LED lamps to cope until the electrician can sort it. And LOADS of batteries.
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by ctrljay »

The best bit is the feeling of security. If TSHTF I am ten steps ahead of everyone else. While there is panic I will have the time to consider my next move, having the

equipment and the knowledge. sweet!

apart from that i love the gadgets/multi tools and how simple things can be!
We live in a unsustainable world, there must be a balance, poor people/rich people no more, only prepared people will make it!

Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by the7ps »

I went into my local shop yesterday and they were selling loads of stock off. Looking round the shelves they were selling big boxes of candles for fifty pence. I mean, there's was no reason why, they have no date on them.

I love being a prepper because no one wanted the candles...

What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by firepower »

Being one step ahead of the sheeple is top of the list. My wife is a prepper too so we have fun planning together.

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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by nickdutch »

Knowing that if I have a delay in my pay at least i will be eating until the company gets its act together.
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by Plymtom »

When I first saw the thread starting off, I was thinking … I don’t know if I do enjoy it as such, but then as we are progressing, I’d say many of the things above, the safety net/cushioning effect from supply shortages/stoppages in money, the fun we have practicing with catapults today or archery /shooting, the creative cooking experiments, dehydrating, all these things are useful , fun, and rewarding.

Reacquiring lost skills in order to survive, makes an adventure out of a crisis.
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.