What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by metatron »

gary5wift wrote:Hi Metatron

I thought there was still a small morse element. Either way I reckon I'll still have a go at learning it, I understand that morse signals quite often get through when speach etc won't. It could be useful but I think it will also be fun to learn :)

Nope morse has been completely removed from the test. Morse is still used by a lot of old boys, its mostly people trying to make contacts not talking but its still useful for long range stuff.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by gary5wift »

I should fit right in then LOL. As an old boy I mean, even if I will be a newbie to ham radio :lol:


Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by jean405 »

I'm dehydrating mushrooms today, some that I didn't manage to use as planned over the weekend. "Rotated" some chocolate from food storage. Going to be vacuum packing some beef later on to put in the freezer. Jean

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by scotsman »

Made a start on tinned prep store also some little odds and ends.....strangely i have ended up with more loo roll that food at this point in time :oops:

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by TomW »

Finished refurbishing my freecycle Tilley lamp this weekend, pretty chuffed with it. Its already coming in for lightong my shed while i work on other bits. Also stashed a load of water away in used pop bottles but best of all I finally got my pandy back on the road!

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by dead-man-walking »

found a local mobility scooter shop that is happy to sell me their "scrap" batteries, £10 each for serviceable ones that have come out of their rental machines

aiming to have a small solar panel and a 12v led light set up in each room with one of these attached basically a glorified shed light
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Magenta16v »

Well this week brought a portable stove and a quanity of gas cyinders foe home use ( next week I will be buying an fold up type for camping )
A couple of 15ltr collapable water bottles
We Must learn all the skills that we have Forgotten

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by TwoDo »

Planted some Oca plants (with attached tubers) with the intention of propagating more.

Potato blight is an issue and I am trying to diversify away from them (potatoes) and hence keep a store of alternative veg available. Oca are quite nutritious, easy to grow and multiply and also pretty tough.

Incidentally, Oca are a good choice for people who live in urban areas and who worry about people raiding their garden post SHTF. Above ground they don't look like anything other than just a common ornamental plant. Bang some tubers in various places and leave them to get on with it. They will multiply over time and when you need them you can dig them up.


Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by TorNicho »

jean405 wrote: "Rotated" some chocolate from food storage.... Jean
Brilliant! :lol:

"Rotating storage" is my new term for eating something :D

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by TorNicho »

Woot! Post 2200

This week I have bought 2 off 100Ah deep cycle batteries which I'm going to hook to my 60W of solar panels. designing my wind turbine.
Also purchased a 2kW inverter.
UV-C light steriliser wand purchased.
Thermal undies.
Ordered fermentation yeast. Going to a family storage unit as my dad has some brewing gear. Going to brew me some fuel/medical juice.
Got another 3 off 3kg bags of pasta.