Need advice on Bug out Bags

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Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by andyt20030 »


I am looking for some advice about bug out bags.

We are a family of 5, me my wife, two teenagers and a 2 year old baby.

i am preparing 4 large bug out bags and a small baby bag for us, not so much of a 72 hour bags, but bags that would give us a extended time away from home in an emergency.

Should all the bags have a rough duplicate of the same contents, just in case we get separated, or should we share a wider range of contents across all the bags ?

Let me know your thoughts.

Many thanks Andy
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Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by tigs »

a mix of both

food and water , torch , fire lighting , clothes basic medical kit , sleeping bag , shelter , basic survival kit in them all

then spread other things like an extended medical kit , hunting fishing kits etc across the bags its pointless having a large medical kit in a bob if the person carrying it cant use it ( where as a basic one they may find handy )
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Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by metatron »

I think the basics need to be in each bag that being:

A sleeping bag (one that compacts down small)
A self inflating sleeping mat
Bivi bag.
A change of clothes
A warm hat
A large waterproof Poncho
Some 550 Paracord
A small camping waterfilter
High calorie food that does not require cooking of any kind.
A small personal first aid kit
A small torch
A head torch
A walkytalky as you are a group
A pen knife.
Personal hygiene products
Fire steel
Light sticks
Toilet roll in a dry bag.
Map of your area with meeting spots clearly marked out if people wonder off get lost.

but I would put other items such as:
A folding saw
At least two larger knifes
Higher power hand held transceiver (HT)
Shortwave radio
Lager more comprehensive first aid kit
Something to boil water in.
Freeze dried food.
Solar or crank battery charger
Battery charger that has a car charger/12 adaptor.
A copy of all important documents on a memory stick (buy something like a Kingston DataTraveler as its encrypted)
In your bag.
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Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by Magenta16v »

Anybody suggest a decent BOB ?
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Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by (pete) »

Look up saving_world as and eBay user name I just got a 120ltr hiking style bag to build my bob into for 25 quid loads of room and in a fashionable prepper khaki and dark tan
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Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by munchh »

I'm glad someone has already asked this one, good starting lists to, thanks, as for the BOB its self, there seems to be alot of the Molle type ones on the market, they are all over £50, but good army surpluss shops have good reliable bags for far less, second hand is good i recon.

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Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by andyt20030 »

Thank you all for your replys, and thank you metetron for your sugested list.
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Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by junmist »

seems silly to ask but how into prepping are the rest of the family do they know how to start a fire without a lighter? not much good putting in fishing gear if you are the only one who knows how to fish, solar power charger for the teenagers phones and such all 4 of you need to have things in their BOBs for your two year old in case you are split up and your 2 year old will need things like story books and toys in their bob.
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Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by feegle »

If somthing bad happens ,that has forced u and your family to leave a static location and walk around all loaded up ,.. like a camping trip ,.. it must be bad ?? ,my advice as a family man and 23 year army vet is don't ? belive me its a total nitemare ... i know easy said than done ,one of my many preps ,.. is a van ,it dont have to be road legal ,remember the world/local area has gone to pot ,example i used a mechical perfect escort van for a bit ,kids and wife warm and safe in the back ,.. roof box ,me in the front ,... it just a short term thing ... ,...

Re: Need advice on Bug out Bags

Post by metatron »

I tend to think some of the more likely things to happen to someone is house fires, chemical leaks from local businesses, being kick out of your house, riots, loss of power and gas, so needing to stay at a community centre or other place, that also tends to happen when roads get shutdown with heavy snow.