Money, money money

How are you preparing

Money, money money

Post by firepower »

The price of gold has pretty much stalled as far as I can see. Prices rocketed mid decade to an all time high. Now all we see is fluctuations of a few dollars and I can't see it changing in the foreseeable future.
Baron City

Re: Money, money money

Post by Baron City »

Historically there has always been a market for gold and silver when a country is on its knees. To think otherwise would be a mistake.

America in the 1930's Recession, the US Government banned the ownership of gold from 1933 to 1975. Roosevelt ordered all ownership of gold coins to be returned to the reserve bank in exchange for cash or bonds. In doing so he increased the governments assets, stabilised the economy and immediately increased the world wide demand for gold, hence increasing the value of the enormous amount he'd just clawed back!

During World War II there was certainly an economy in the Warsaw Ghetto that was led by exchange for gold and silver in any shape or form for food , clothing, basically anything to survive.

Cambodia under the Khmer Rouger and Pol Pot - the only way over the border to Thailand was through gold as there was no trust in the Riel and the US Dollar (which a large percentage of their trade takes place with today - I was there last year) was outlawed. The only currency of any value or in any demand as always was gold.

If you look back even only a few years ago to Zimbabwe where the older silver denominations from pre 1947 (50/50 content) were in demand and used instead of current bank notes due to hyperinflation.

As you might have guessed I have always had an interest in coins and to own even a few gold and silver ones really is a no brainer when it comes to this prepping marlarkee.

You dont have to spend a fortune to do it. Just go on eBay and bid on British silver coins pre 1920 - these will be 92.5% silver aka Sterling and will always have a monetary or exchange value. 1921-47 will be 50% silver.

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Re: Money, money money

Post by halight »

icrcc wrote:Past history is the best indicator of future performance. The link to the site goldprice .org that fromredtogreen posted is a good one that I use daily. Now while it is true that the price fluctuates in the short term in the long term it only goes in one direction, up. At least there are some here that agree precious metals are just that, precious. Pre SHTF gold and silver are investment. As stated earlier post SHTF it will take time for currencies to develop. You can't eat gold but after a while you be able to buy a LOT of food for it. For those who are going the precious metal route what do you intend to trade when the food disappears and your family is hungry?
In the aftermath of SHTF then the only thing's that will be worth anything will be Food and water. Clothes will come after that. Tools will soon follow. All of these will be priceless and I would have though you would only be able to trade these for these.
As time moves on. We should start to see a new normal. In this new normal you should be able to trade a store of worth. That will be things like Gold and Silver. And other metal that could be seen as having some sort of worth.
But real wealth would be In food production, Gold and silver would only store wealth.
If you had chicken's your eggs could well be worth there weight In Silver, Or a days labour.
Paper money would have no worth at all.

Re: Money, money money

Post by Reservior »

firepower wrote:The price of gold has pretty much stalled as far as I can see. Prices rocketed mid decade to an all time high. Now all we see is fluctuations of a few dollars and I can't see it changing in the foreseeable future.
I agree, I've had to buy mine near the top of the market and I'm still adding to my stash at current prices. I don't see it going up much further either, despite the current financial situation. I haven't bought mine as an investment though, so I'm not worried about the price going down.
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Re: Money, money money

Post by tigs »

be careful not only will gold and silver prices level out they will fall too , it happened in the 1950s , after a long recession and a world war were there prices hit record highs they then suddenly fall rapidly
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Re: Money, money money

Post by halight »

Just an Idea some of you may like to try.
You can reclaim Gold and Silver from old computer parts.
Many mother boards and memory chips have gold on them.
Also Silver solder is used on computer parts.

You can also reclaim copper from old computers too.

It would take time but you could build up quite a stash by reclaiming Gold and other metals.

Re: Money, money money

Post by Iceplanmax »

I have been thinking of doing this. How about storing cash outside just in case you did get burgled. Anyone any good ideas how to do this? I have thought about various hiding places but not sure what to do.

Re: Money, money money

Post by the7ps »

pseudonym wrote:
Ferricks wrote:I'm actually a bit concerned that this household's developed a bit of a gender split with me looking after the food / domestic supply preps and my testosterone fuelled OH covering security / transport and bug out arrangements.....

I care not a jot in principle but we're not actually too gender specific about other roles and it's frankly no use to be so in a crisis! Therefore I'm simply confused as to why this should be so and trying to work out how to approach the issue with him....

Have a mini drill whereby you are at home and he has £30 and near a store. He has to grab those last minute items and you have to secure your house/ pack BOB into vehicle.

Upon completion discuss what went right/wrong and how you both coped.
Ooh, a mini drill. I like this. So; where would €30 get me? Long life full fat milk, bread products with a long life (part baked rolls, flat breads etc), fruit & veg, yeast & flour, batteries, cigarettes, then, with anything left it would be fatty fish. (Please bare in mind this is to supplement my preps I already have, not someone starting from afresh)
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Re: Money, money money

Post by lightningxl »

Alleycat wrote:I have a tub I empty change into everyday....not just coppers, what ever change I have in my purse at the end of the day so usually I've got around a hundred and fifty pounds of £2/£1/ and 50ps (plus a lot of smaller change) in there at any one time - its called the emergency tub and is used as such so gets dipped into if I run out of money, or something unexpected comes up, only downside of such storage is weight - not easy to grab it and run but having notes stashed away has always been harder for me - too easy to spend :oops: I hope if a 'situation' was brewing I would be able to use a change counter in the supermarket or I would just take it to work and use it to swap with the float for the tills into notes. If a true SHTF occurred then I dont believe money would be worth anything so wouldnt need to do anything with my coin collection except load any catapaults I had lying around and take aim ;)

The image of firing loose change from a catapult will stay with me for a while...
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Re: Money, money money

Post by diamond lil »

icrcc that's what I was going to ask there any real proof that gold is any use in times of crisis? Where would we look for info on this? - Argentina ?