Strange Looks from the checkout Girl

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Re: Strange Looks from the checkout Girl

Post by Magenta16v »

bulldogeagle wrote:Because your card purchases can be accessed by TPTB,if they wanted to "relocate supplies" they know who has bought what, but they cant do this if you pay cash.

Really , I would like to see them try that lol

I brought 12 bottles of the 5ltr water this morning . It was the only thing I was buying and the lady said to me " you must be very thirsty " . I knew she was going to say something so just replied , " got a party tonight , but we are all tea total " ..
And she believed me
We Must learn all the skills that we have Forgotten

Re: Strange Looks from the checkout Girl

Post by MedicHerbalist »

This is the funniest thread on this site. I have read it all the way through and not stopped laughing. I must say that you are all very polite and reasonable. The dude with the cat-litter - oh my!! When she asked how many cats he had, he was careful and reasonable. I would have told her "just one - but it shits an awful lot". But I guess I am not so polite.
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Re: Strange Looks from the checkout Girl

Post by gadgetguy »

Bought ten tins of Asda tatties,18p each, and the lass at the checkout was looking at me strangely i told her i just hate peeling tatties :D