in a shtf world...

How are you preparing

Re: in a shtf world...

Post by Alleycat »

Attack Warning Red wrote:Moocher - how do you 'defiantly' hoard curry powder? In defiance of whom? :D

ha ha ha - I hadnt even noticed that, I will now be defiantly hoarding my curry powders against the marauding hordes of Blands from the Dull region of Tasteless - on - the mould ;)
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Re: in a shtf world...

Post by dazz675 »

this evening resisted the urge to go to chippy , as earlier had bought big breakfast , would not look good in spending diary , so raided prep cupboard tesco tinned beef curry and a plate of oven chips ...... ergo another prepp item i know i will enjoy ....when SHTF :D

Re: in a shtf world...

Post by moocher »

Sorry think it's my iPad keyboard turning against me,either that or my poor spelling, :)
Attack Warning Red

Re: in a shtf world...

Post by Attack Warning Red »

moocher wrote:Sorry think it's my iPad keyboard turning against me,either that or my poor spelling, :)
Ha ha! Technology. Now, will we miss that?...

Re: in a shtf world...

Post by preppingsu »

Attack Warning Red wrote:
moocher wrote:Sorry think it's my iPad keyboard turning against me,either that or my poor spelling, :)
Ha ha! Technology. Now, will we miss that?...
I shall miss the 'funnies' on here and certainly chatting, learning etc.
Attack Warning Red

Re: in a shtf world...

Post by Attack Warning Red »

I use the web all the time. I'm on a few forums, plus I'm a musician so post my music on SoundCloud and have a small following on there and Facebook. I use it to get all my information, whether that be prepping or old books or how to cook or anything. I love YouTube and am always watching old TV programmes and films on it. I have two Twitter accounts.

This summer I spent a week in a rented house in Devon. No internet, no phone (apart from my mobile, but very little signal). I spent the evenings reading my book and drinking tea, sometimes a beer with my father-in-law. I found that i didn't miss the internet. At all. I was surprised how little I missed it!
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Re: in a shtf world...

Post by Annana »

I would certainly be a lot more productive if I didn't have the internet!
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Re: in a shtf world...

Post by icrcc »

We use the internet because it is there. If it isn't we get along just fine without it. Am sure though that if it was down for an extended period of time it would be replaced by something else, perhaps listening to short wave radio. I do agree that we would probably become more productive.
It may never happen. Best to be prepared just in case.

Re: in a shtf world...

Post by iceprep »

The foods I will miss:

Big mixed grill- Sausage, steak, gammon, chop (pork and lamb), black pudding, grilled tomato, chips, mushroom, fried egg and anything else I can't recall right now!

IF those items are no longer available after SHTF, then I wonder if trying to survive is going to be an option.

Once the rampaging hoards die off and the survivors exit their BO or BI locations then surely there will begin the rebuild of society - farms and agriculture will return and so begins trade.
And I can have a mixed grill!

Otherwise A Southern Comfort and Coke over ice!
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Re: in a shtf world...

Post by Plymtom »

Got me thinking never mind what I would miss, what food would we be prepared to try and save the world for?

Bacon, Chocolate?

When it comes to the internet, electrical power of any sort come to that, a short time away from all of it would be a good thing for all I believe, a couple of days camping when I first tried it was both liberating and made me realize how good we have it, that was over 35 years ago though, no mobiles, no internet, only just 4 TV channels and only 1 tV in the house, it was like now a cold easter in the last year of school, we didn't realize we were going to go out in old style tents ( seperate ground sheets and no zips) and get snowed upon, unprepared poor equipment, it was more a survival situation, an adventure I was richer for, and home when we'ed had enough, the most appreciative I have ever been of a hot bath and a warm bed :lol:
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.