What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing
John Mat

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by John Mat »


Not been in for ages...moving into the sticks....still working in Newcastle.

I've finally found time to try out the solar power......got lights, but blows fuses every time I try anything else?!!!??!?!?
I can get the 12v stuff to work on the car battery but the caravan battery is for some reason not the same??? Ah well :)

Also worrying that the ceiling wont take the weight of all our supplies. How much will the average ceiling take?

Loving living out here with or without the shtf senarios. Mad life in the toon.

Now to catch up with more posts.....

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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by tigs »

welcome back john the average ceiling ?? the ceiling its self is just plaster board so not that much! if there is a room above it then a couple of tonnes if its the loft boarded over the sames as a room , if its a loft not boarded over but load is spread over the rafters about half to three quarters that of a boarded over one
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Arzosah »

I hope this thread doesn't die a death, I love it! I emailed my local radio group yesterday, and got a reply back this morning, from the new training bod there. He suggested I buy the book from the Radio Society of Great Britain entitled "Foundation Licence Now", which costs a whole £4.99 and sounds like it *might* be basic enough for me, so I ordered it this morning.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by gary5wift »

Hi Arzosah

I got the book last week, it's very low level and easy to understand. You should also check out this website, it covers the full syllabus and is easy to follow, gives a bit more explanation.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Paul_H »

Foundation Licence is a nice easy one to pass hell must be I managed it :shock:

As for preps I have now offically started whoop whoop :D Been over to my sisters to collect a matress and the bed frame over to mine, you might think thats odd but I occupy just 1 room in the family house and storage here as you can imaging with 4 people here is a bit of nightmare so iv been looking at this closely and the bed frame I have picked up is a open frame rather than the divan type that I currently have so I can get some storage boxes now that will go under the bed to put all the stuff in that im going to hoard away for when its needed.

Also managed to pick up a tupaware type box while I was there that is a decent size so I can put the bag of tea light candles I have here in that. They have lived in a draw in the wardrobe for long enough but this should help keep them tidy and better organised and take up a bit less room than bulk bag thrown in the draw.

Had a walk around the poundland while I was in West Brom visiting a friend yesterday and spotted nurofen 8 tab pks for £1 so grabbed 2 of them and there on a 08 2014 date so they should last a while plan is as I use these a bit ill build up a stock and then stock rotate them around and replace as I use them. Also got 2 nice big rolls of gaffa tape one for my vehicle tool kit and one to go in the shed tool kit so another item of the list.

Next Job finish the vehicle kit list off as this needs to be done ready for my event season next year and I need to create my prep list of items that im going to store and kit etc most of this will just prob get copied from my camping and overnight kit in the truck that I have in case I get stuck anywhere or im there for a few days and no b&b etc. One thing I am also going to do is make up a calender purely for stuff that has a use by date or best before date etc. This way I can see a bit in advance if something is due to come upto having to be used if its not been used in the normal day to day routine.

Think thats about it for my preps so far work has habbit of getting in the way lol but then thinking about various aspects of prepping gets in the way of my work lol oh well
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Arzosah »

Gary, thanks for that - I've bookmarked it, about to have a look round the site with my 2nd cup of coffee of the day :)

Paul - an amazing amount of stuff can go under the bed, you're right! Is your chest of drawers on a plinth, by any chance? Mine is, and I pulled out the bottom drawer, stuck some water bottles in there and hey presto, 5 litres of storage in a completely new place!
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Paul_H »

Arzosah- I dont have a chest of draws, I have 4 draws in my wardrobe and having a look there a bit low down for storing stuff under. I am hoping I will get most of my stuff under the bed with allot of food stored in the normal family places my mum does have a habbit of buying food that is on offer and I myself work for a supermarket so I will be keeping my eyes open for the tinned stuff that I like. I have a few £ in savers stamps here as I was picking one up each shift sort of thing but that soon fell by the way side as I dont tend to carry too much cash in work just enough for food on breaks and its too much hassel to cue up for a stamp and id forget on the way out at end of shift when its quiet so I think I will be using them up next time we have the likes of soup on offer etc.

I am on the hunt for a new 2 seater sofa as mine is now past it and looking for one that is more open so I can put go bags under that so I can get at them quickly hmm you got me thinking about unusual places now not that im going to go pulling doors apart like that woman on doomsday preppers im not quite that mad just yet lol
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by SooBee »

I liked her tin box faraday cage though.

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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by junmist »

have been recycling the preps this month so need to restock at the next shop :o Just remebered as I was writing that I need to recycle the water this month as well which I hate as the water preps are in a hard too get at place so will have to climb over and under stuff as well as moving stuff out of the way :( Oh well at lest I know that they are safe :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by halight »

This week we are adding to our Food stock's.
Mainly tinned food at this Time.
Tinned beans.
Tinned Veg.
Rice pudding.
Backed beans.