Should I store water

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Re: Should I store water

Post by junmist »

jeff1966 wrote: The thing about water is you can find it almost anywhere but some times the energy it can take to get to it can be quite extreme (two desert wars of experience behind me) so I have always stored water as a commonsense measure water butts bottled water and my own spring in the garden even built my own filtration plant (sounds grander than it is).

Pics please of the filtration plant and was it difficult to build? simple words please :oops: or I just get lost in the jargan
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Re: Should I store water

Post by jeff1966 »

Pics please of the filtration plant and was it difficult to build? simple words please :oops: or I just get lost in the jargan[/quote]

Will do this week if i get a moment, but there is 100's of simple ways to filter water from millbank bag to the two barrel method without going to extremes, but all useful to know but I quite happy to share my knowledge if it will help someone.
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Re: Should I store water

Post by John1788 »

Hi,I have in my shed in 10 Ltr containers just normal tap water that I tip and refill every 6 months,got 100 ltr's which should last the 3 of us a few weeks but who really knows ? got a fighting chance at least.

Re: Should I store water

Post by wildadventurer »

I only store enough water to last us a month as i belive that if you only store water it is certain that you will run out so in my Bug out location i have several percautions. near the sea so i have built a disstillery were i can distile sea water
2.we have a small sream / river that runs through it so we will have fresh water
3.i have several small under ground storage tanks in place to store purified water
so this is what i do

HOw about you?
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Re: Should I store water

Post by filsgreen »

Can anyone beat 17p for a 2 liter bottle from Tesco's? ... =250634760

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Re: Should I store water

Post by Mad Scientist »

Wow! Great water preps everyone! Recently bought a big plastic water container. Big bottle of water in fridge and freezer. Stream at bottom of neighbours' garden. There is a ford running through the village and a reservoir a short driving distance. I have access to distilling and filtering equipment. Baby- wipes are a reasonable substitute for a bath ( thumping emergency). Not too shabby!
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Re: Should I store water

Post by redskies »

There are numerous - too numerous to count - water sources here. And we get near 100ins a year rainfall. I've got water butts in the garden - I collect the water for dyeing - and it would take me maybe ten minutes to set up a filtration system. Water isn't, thankfully, an issue for us!
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Re: Should I store water

Post by Bosworth »

Don't forget that most houses have water tanks plus water in central heating systems that can be salvaged. Plus toilet cisterns, saucepans, sinks etc. You can also buy collapsible storage containers and big plastic bags to place in the bath and fill. Assuming that there isn't a catastrophic event that shuts off supply immediately, within a few minutes you could store hundreds of extra litres.

Knowing when to turn off the stopcocks would be an interesting challenge, balancing availability with potential contamination.
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Re: Should I store water

Post by grenfell »

I personally wouldn't head for the water in heating systems. Have you ever opened the bleed valve on an old system , normally comes out black and as a rule water in these systems also has additives mixed in to prevent corrosion . Not good to drink at all.
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Re: Should I store water

Post by Bosworth »

grenfell wrote:I personally wouldn't head for the water in heating systems. Have you ever opened the bleed valve on an old system , normally comes out black and as a rule water in these systems also has additives mixed in to prevent corrosion . Not good to drink at all.
Of course. Much like rainwater butts it would need to be filtered and purified.