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Re: Rats

Post by Cocotte »

From what I remember of my studies;
Rats are a perfectly fine edible food, however, when you catch and kill one, you first of all want to throw it briefly on hot embers to singe the hairs killing any ticks & the like then gut it, the organs can often have a wide variety of nasties growing inside of them so just chuck them on the fire (or a hot rock & steralise to feed any pets as they have a more rugged digestive system). Then just skewer or clay bake with the skin on, it should peel off when cooked.
MICE on the other hand, singe and gut like before but their bones are generally small and fragile enough that you can just peel that rodent banana and bite right in, leaving the head so as to avoid the teeth. Although you can crunch into the skull to get that thinking protein pack. Just remember to chew well.

Edit: forgot to mention to quickly singe the hairs off, don't heat too much or when you gut them their innards can pop or gush, possibly infecting the meat. So a quick flick over in the fire.
Last edited by Cocotte on Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rats

Post by diamond lil »

Aye cocotte, if I ever bite a dead mouse I will remember to chew well :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Rats

Post by Arzosah »

Good Grief! I've been reading this thread every so often, and its :shock: amazing! When I write my bestseller Fifty Shades of Prepping, I'll be sure to write about rats :lol: there's got to be a way I can work this in, its too good not to :lol:
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Re: Rats

Post by Plantiejo »

This is great, how far would we be willing to go if we were hungry. I am pretty sure I could eat rat if desperate.
I have caught/gathered and eaten a few things in the wild but not rats or mice. The Razor Clams were a bit gross looking but tasted lovely cooked up in garlic, butter and white wine!

One of my colleagues tells a story about when he was in the marines (one of many stories :roll: ).
They were on left on Dartmoor for a few days without food and told to catch a rabbit. They did not catch one, so they pretended they had caught one by scraping together a road kill rabbit they had found. When the Sergeant returned he was not to be fooled as he then told them to cook it and eat it and stood over them while they did so.
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Re: Rats

Post by rik_uk3 »

I've tried Rat, Its OK, I'd not run off and pay money for the meat though ;)

Catch, skin, gut and make sure its well cooked, we boiled ours as a stew.

If you've not heard before, Rats LOVE peanut butter, put some on a trap and they will literally die trying to get it.
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Re: Rats

Post by sledge »

The answer to any queasy feelings about eating anything - curry powder, I always keep 25kg of it in my bergen. Oh and a knife :-)

If it bleeds - you can kill it - if you can kill it - you can eat it
I love animals - I've eaten loads of them

Re: Rats

Post by gandelff99 »

sledge wrote:The answer to any queasy feelings about eating anything - curry powder, I always keep 25kg of it in my bergen. Oh and a knife :-)
Oh so funny,spoken only like a mean green fighting machine could.haven't heard that in ages.
The daft commas messages D's staff used to send ,send spare tyre, send table, send curry powder ... carried it ever since...the hotter the better
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Re: Rats

Post by cheshirekat »

I've got two jack russel terriers - they're crackin' ratters! ;)