Fluoride in toothpaste?

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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Hermit »


They are in the process of trying to introduce it to the Southampton area.

Opinion polls suggest that the majority of those surveyed are against it but .......
but the Southampton City Primary Care Trust decided that "public vote could not be the deciding factor"
Thats the bit I don't like :D
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by 12mp82 »

The problem is that there are many people who will hear it is the opportunity to stick two fingers up at the Gov't and say no because of that reason, just like many do with so many other issues.

Unfortunately not everyone reads all the available sources of information and rely only on what they want to believe, whether that is true or not, I have seen and debated that human trait many many times, a bit like those who think coal is better for you than nuclear, heyho ;)
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Hermit »

12mp82 wrote:From the site you linked to Hermit.
Hermit wrote:http://www.badscience.net/2008/02/forei ... ly-fluids/
Campaigners say Nazis used it to subdue people in concentration camps.
But since I’m in the mood for some scaremongering, let’s not forget the potential harms. Fluoridation will give around one in eight people mottled teeth (“fluorosis”). And there’s something else to worry about, if you like worrying. An observational study from Taiwan found a high incidence of bladder cancer in women from areas where the natural fluoride content in water was high. It might easily have been a chance finding – the study in question measured lots of variables, and if you measure enough things, then some of them are bound to come out positive, just by chance. But it could be real
Far too many things we consume can be linked to one problem or another, usually when overdosed, remember the food colouring a few years back, caused cancer in rats when fed recommended daily dose for adult humans, strange that.
But he doesn't quote any evidence regarding the use during the war, he just uses that as an example of some of the claims made for and against fluoride, just as he quotes the reduction in tooth decay as another example. His point is that there are claims made on both sides of the argument but not enough research has been conducted to state the case either way ;)
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Hermit »

12mp82 wrote:The problem is that there are many people who will hear it is the opportunity to stick two fingers up at the Gov't and say no because of that reason, just like many do with so many other issues.

Unfortunately not everyone reads all the available sources of information and rely only on what they want to believe, whether that is true or not, I have seen and debated that human trait many many times, a bit like those who think coal is better for you than nuclear, heyho ;)
Don't start the Nuclear argument again...we'll be here all night :lol:
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by 12mp82 »

I am sure that we could both find dozens of links that show good or bad for use of flouride in water, some of them will be from recognised peer reviewed investigations and others will be from anti-establishment and some pretty dodgy internet groups that are known as odd.

Probably best to leave the discussion there, otherwise it will decend at a high rate of knots.
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by madmedic »

to be honest. if anyone comes up with any theory evidence to prove it is right can be found if you do the right research. but on the same hand any evidence to disprove it can be found too.
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Bladerunner »

Here is an interesting link.

http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/heal ... ellow-went

The author does not state his sources so if you doubt them, contact him and not me, because I don't know his sources.

http://www.slideshare.net/kynize/nazis- ... m-fluoride

Not read this entire article but he does mention names of actual people.

Here is one on Sodium Fluoride used in rat poison and other insecticides.
This one has a lot of references.


Here is another interesting site that quotes people and papers


Here is an interesting site which lists accidents concerning fluoride.

http://the-tap.blogspot.co.uk/2011/07/f ... eople.html

If toothpaste comes with a warning about exceeding the recommended dose then surely there is a point at which the level of fluoride becomes dangerous to humans. This is just my opinion based on the waning on the side of toothpaste boxes but seems logical.
So if there is a limit, what happens if you brush your teeth after every meal or snack and drink 2 litres of water a day (using fluoridated tap water)? Have you exceeded the daily dose? Does the message on the side of the toothpaste box assume you drink fluoridated water?

If something is dangerous to your health, (in certain doses) why would you even put a small bit of it in your mouth.
Years ago doctors used to endorse cigarettes!!!

Here is a final link for you to put a smile on your face.


Be lucky (and smoke Camel)
Attack Warning Red

Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Attack Warning Red »

If this thread starts going in the direction of :tinfoil it'll get locked.... Thank you.
broke prepper

Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by broke prepper »

thx for the advise guys got some from Holland & Barrett and it tastes ok to