growing land

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growing land

Post by woodpecker »

I guess this might have been asked before, but how many here have a piece of land to grow edibles in, root veggies, Peas, beans fruit etc.

I have a little patch that does give me some fresh stuff, but last year was a bit of a washout one way or another.

How much, if any, do people have?
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Re: growing land

Post by tigs »

:roll: 400 acres of pasture and fields if i require it! :D ok im a farmer :D
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Re: growing land

Post by poppypiesdad »

1.5 acres of woodland
8.5 acres of pasture
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Plan like its the last beer in the fridge.

Re: growing land

Post by Capa »

I have a back garden, and an allotment. And my bug out location has 1/2 acre of land plus a stream running through it and is in the middle of the woods. :D

Re: growing land

Post by TorNicho »

Moving from 10ft x 20ft garden to 40ft x 50ft garden. Going to start planning my veggie patch soon.
short circuit

Re: growing land

Post by short circuit »

A back garden about 30 by 16 foot but it's not the size that counts it's how much you can cram in :o
All joking aside you can get a lot of food in a very small area as long as you use it well and feed it well;)
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Re: growing land

Post by woodpecker »

poppypiesdad wrote:1.5 acres of woodland
8.5 acres of pasture
tigs wrote::roll: 400 acres of pasture and fields if i require it! :D ok im a farmer :D

No home veg/fruit growing land at the moment then?

Capa wrote:I have a back garden, and an allotment. And my bug out location has 1/2 acre of land plus a stream running through it and is in the middle of the woods. :D
How much are you managing to produce each year on these two plots?

I hope to bug out to the wilds of Wales or further south, many thousands of acres of pasture land at my disposal ;)

Re: growing land

Post by Capa »

woodpecker wrote:
I hope to bug out to the wilds of Wales or further south, many thousands of acres of pasture land at my disposal ;)
So does everyone else. ;) It's always Wales, Scotland or Cornwall for some reason! LOL (Not laughing at your choice, just the fact that I have visions of these area's being over-run by people all standing around wondering what to do next once they'd got there!) :lol:

I don't know how much they'll all produce, I've only recently started using them. I got my allotment at the end of December and have just rotavated it, my garden has always been astro-turfed until now (we're part way through an extension being built which means a total garden re-design) and technically our bug out location belongs to my MIL, although I know it's been a very good garden to grow fruits and veg in.... I think if tshtf it'd need a bit of work to get it to a level where we can sustain as many people are we need comfortably, but there are also ducks and chickens and our supplies. And that's before we even needed to think about anything like fishing, hunting and other local natural resources.

Re: growing land

Post by EddieEnzyme »

short circuit wrote:A back garden about 30 by 16 foot but it's not the size that counts it's how much you can cram in :o
All joking aside you can get a lot of food in a very small area as long as you use it well and feed it well;)
I have roughly the same, with the addition of a 6'x5' greenhouse and you're absolutely right, you can surprise yourself with the amount of produce you can grow if you plan well. Fruit bushes are fab - I get loads of blackcurrants & raspberries. Rhubarb's good too....

Not last year though. Ugh.
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Re: growing land

Post by junmist »

10ft x 20ft don't worry about last year most people had a rubbish year mine wasn't water logged ground but slugs and snails which eat everything that I managed to grow :o thought I would start a snail farm it was so bad :lol:
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