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Post by slugbert »

hello guys iam having security problems on my dads allotment our plot has been broken onto many times over past couple of weeks with our shed and plot been targeted tools stolen etc. any suggestion which we could use

ps i do apologize if this is in wrong section
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Re: security

Post by pseudonym »

Sorry to hear that.

Have the break ins been reported to the Police? If so what are their reccomendations?

Is it an inside job? Other Plot holders jealous of your crops? Or local louts?

The cost of security probably will outweigh the cost of your tools I am afraid.

I would suggest the obvious, don't leave anything in your shed at all.

If you aren't present 24/7 then break ins will occur.
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Re: security

Post by slugbert »

normally i would let it go but it really p**sed me off with the amount of work we put in to it and i am getting sick of buying padlocks for our gates.
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Re: security

Post by Plymtom »

Is anyone else having trouble? Something has to be making yours a target if it's just you, I'd be tempted to set a non lethal trap or two, the sort of thing which makes a loud bang or throws manure at anyone entering without unseting it, at least mess with their heads with a note saying what If I am watching you and am going to follow you home..... :twisted: there has to be some things you can do legally and inexpensive.
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.

Re: security

Post by TorNicho »

Maybe a lockbox under a hidden compartment in the shed floor.

Re: security

Post by Squawk »

I have looked at this problem several times and the best option seems to be to obtain photographic evidence that will allow the police to identify the culprits and secure a conviction.

It may also help if you mark anything of value with your house number and postcode.

Re: security

Post by Cocotte »

Set up a simple alarm with a dog bark recording.
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Re: security

Post by junmist »

how about one of those camera's that the wild life people use that take stills when something breaks the beam with anti climb paint and magic water might do the trick. But I would ask if anyone else is being targated if they are not its either another alotment holder or its someone who knows you or your dad
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Re: security

Post by woodpecker »

Security cameras like they use for wildlife watching, not cheap, but the alternative is to remove all the tools and take them home each time.
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Re: security

Post by unsure »

ive said it before , a simple alarm mine . uses a blank shell , lots of noise and mayhem usually after its been tripped ..makes the buggers think they`re being shot at . less than the cost of a good digging spade and legal to use . ... 19d9a4ca4e
YES i walked away mid sentence , you were boring me to death and my survival instincts kick in .