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Post by nickdutch »

Tobacco is a luxury item in many ways, but if you have an addiction to nicotine problem, it can be a necessity to stop you from going insane. Smoking may be expensive, but there is an older method of taking tobacco, once considered to be properly medicinal, that is often over looked.

Snuff is a finely ground tobacco that is taken nasally, that is you take a pinch and very gently inhale the powder up your nose. Many commercial varieties of snuff can be bought these days from specialist tobacconists, but also you can make your own. Just 8 ounces of snuff will last you probably 6 -12 months or more if you are a heavy user and it is cheaper by weight then smoking tobacco with 8 Oz costing you maybe less then £20.

If you grow your own tobacco, you can make snuff through drying the leaves very thoroughly and then grinding them either with a marble mortar and pestle or through rolling a glass over the leaves like a rolling pin.

You then need to sift the snuff. Stretch a ladies stocking over a glass with an elastic band. Put a small quantity of the snuff on the trampoline surface and tap the glass repeatedly. The finer snuff will be sifted out and the thicker snuff can then be submitted to further grinding.

Rinse and repeat.

You could also use an organic or chemical / additive free commercial tobacco for this.

This is how to make a very good fine dry snuff. Keep it taped up in air tight containers and it will last potentially, for years.

Could make a barter item or a necessary stimulant or mood enhancer in the case of temporary depression.

Snuff in the old days, when treated with menthol, was called "medicated" and was available on prescription. i have an old german medical snuff dispenser on my shelves at the moment. It was used as a cold cure to give relief to nasal congestion.

Snuff mixed with petroleum jelly and black pepper oil makes a good muscle rub as the nicotine helps to transport the oils into the deep tissues. A mentholated snuff used in this way will all ways be better at relaxing the muscle and it may work out cheaper then other muscle rubs.
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Re: Snuff

Post by Plymtom »

I'll never forget the northern joke about the pubs complimentary snuff running out, and the desperate landlord replaced it with powdered dog poo ;)

By the heck landlord that snuff' a good n I can smell that dog sh1t now.
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Re: Snuff

Post by Arzosah »

I saw some tobacco plants being grown in one of the biodomes at the Eden Project in Cornwall :)

I also saw a tobacco crop being grown on my cousin's farm in Zimbabwe... well, I saw the land being prepared for the plants :shock: and the previous year's crop being sold at the tobacco auctions. They got a giant plastic blanket over the whole field, weighted it down at the edges with earth so it was airtight, then pumped in - I can't remember the poison, I think it was arsenic, maybe strychnine, but I couldn't swear to it - and killed everything in the soil. Everything. It was horrendous.
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Re: Snuff

Post by badgersden »

thank guys really interesting thread,did not think you grow in this country but i do now lol, while a lot of people seem to take the high ground on this subject personally i think tabacco will be one off the best bartering items if the shtf, got all the details before the thread is censored or locked which seems to be happening a lot lately, thank again guys
short circuit

Re: Snuff

Post by short circuit »

Your very welcome, and yes tabbacco would be one of the best things to trade with and very light to carry :) if your ever running from a bad trade off :lol:
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Re: Snuff

Post by itsybitsy »

I would like to point out here that anyone who grows tobacco with the intention of smoking it, must pay duty to the UK government at the prevailing rate, at the point of it being shredded or prepared for smoking.

More details below. ... P125_15538
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Re: Snuff

Post by Hamradioop » ... P125_15538

2.9 Must private individuals pay duty on tobacco products made from tobacco which they grow themselves?

Yes. A private individual must pay the duty on any tobacco products that they make from tobacco which they have grown. This applies whether the tobacco products are intended for sale or solely for the grower’s own consumption. Anyone intending to manufacture tobacco products must comply with the conditions set out in this Notice. You must register the premises which you use to make tobacco and complete form TP7A to account for all tobacco products that you have manufactured for your own consumption and on which duty is due.
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Post by Maddosammo »

Back to the OP I do not smoke and doubt I ever will I value my lungs to much.
But in my honest opinion snuff would be a highly valuable resource for trade/bartering if needed.

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Re: Snuff

Post by woodpecker »

Lots of places to find info on tobacco growing and processing on the internet.