Handcuffs in your preps

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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by redskies »

I don't think there are any legalities involved in having handcuffs - it's how you use them that counts! Were you to impersonate a PC, you'd be in big trouble. But if you caught someone breaking in and restrained them, I think you'd probably be ok. I'm thinking of an uncle here who caught a thief in his bakers shop. The guy wouldn't sit still while the police were called, so my uncle knocked him over and sat on him. I don't recall there being any problems with that.

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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by Hamradioop »

Being in possession and the use of handcuffs, providing their intended use is for lawful purposes, handcuffs are not an offensive weapon nor are they prohibited in any way. Many areas of the UK encourage the lawful use of handcuffs sanctioned by local police forces; in some cases training is also provided by the local law enforcement teams.

Handcuffing is regarded as a preferable restraint as opposed to group restraint tactics which can pose a threat to the welfare of the person being restrained particularly positional asphyxia. When applying handcuffs the subject should be sitting back on their feet and the restraints should be applied within 30 seconds, the suspect should only be placed in the recovery position as a last resort.

There are three main reasons for handcuffing as laid out by law and all Company Health and Policies, SAFETY being the main component 1.Safety of the public
2.Your own safety
3.The suspects safety

When should handcuffs be used? •To prevent a violent offender from assaulting or injuring you or a member of the public.
•When you judge it necessary to prevent the offender’s escape from the scene.
•During the transportation of the offender either by vehicle or during restrained escorting duties.
•As a prevention tactic to stop the offender from harming themselves, you or members of the public.
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Handcuffs in your preps

Post by Mitchellsfold »

Ok. Before the SHTF it's just Common Law, Criminal Law Act and Human Rights to learn first. Plus the skills to apply properly.

Afterwards.... Once applied - what then? Where you going to take em?


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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by Manclife »

The point missed is what do you after you've cuffed somebody? The example given is that its a SHTF situation so police are unlikely to be turning up anytime soon so are you going to keep them tied up for days?
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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by 24942895 »

The scenarios we are prepping for are wide and varied, I'm sure there are many situations where it would be reasonable to restrain someone, perhaps to hand over to an overstretched police force after delay of some hours or days.

Or perhaps to exercise a continuing interest in kinky sex :-P

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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by Rusty337 »

Just to clarify, me and my mates do alot of scenario paintball, of which they would be the primary use. Just thought they could become handy in the BOB. Not into anything wierd haha ...........unless it pays well : )
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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by dannytsg »

Mitchellsfold wrote:
dannytsg wrote:I have a set that I keep, with key ever since I left the police. No issues with having them at all but it's where the liability lies if you do use them without the correct training etc.

As for in a SHTF scenario I guess that they may have their uses. I just have mine as it seems wrong not to after having them on my side whilst in the force. :twisted:
Your profile says you're 24. How long we're you a police officer? Is it ok to have handcuffs as a civilian? I thought human rights may come into play?

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Joined the force in 2010, left 14 months later due to probationary officer cuts just after I got my second year probation approval as well.

Handcuffs are perfectly legal to own as a civilian and are widely available from many well known outlets, however the using them is where they can potentially become and offensive weapon if used incorrectly and liability falls on you.

I was strictly referring to the use of the post SHTF whereby you wouldn't be concerned about restraining a weapon wielding attacker etc.
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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by Manclife »

Left due to cuts? You make it sound like you were made redundant.

Anyway cuffs wouldn't be an offensive weapon as they are not made or adapted to cause injury. Itmight be intended but only if you were going to hit somebody with them. Might make a burglary aggravated but that's about it.
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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by Magenta16v »

I got about 8 sets of old style cuffs and the newer ridged cuffs . And yes I am fully trained in using them ... :D
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Re: Handcuffs in your preps

Post by BigMacKin »

dannytsg wrote:
I was strictly referring to the use of the post SHTF whereby you wouldn't be concerned about restraining a weapon wielding attacker etc.
OK. The answer from me to the question in your OP is no, I haven't and wouldn't be buying them because if something went so wrong that weapon wielding attackers were a risk then I would be go into stealth mode and the last thing I would be thinking of would be restraining them :roll: