There are no limits on diesel storage like there are on petrol (you are limited to 30 litres of petrol at home.)Laziji wrote:B: I love your diesel idea. How much can you store at any one time in the garage?
I keep 2 x 200 litre drums and 4 x 25 litre drums.
I also run a van with a 100 litre tank and a car with a 70 litre tank which are both kept filled.
So I reckon at any one time i'll have around 600 litres.
Fuel companies say Diesel can be stored up to a year without any issue but recommend if its kept any longer that it is filtered before use.
Unless water can get into it there's usually no problem.
I've been storing diesel for 25 years without any incidents.
BUT be safe about it, no barbecues on top of the drums etc