Hello Chaps from Central Scotland

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Hello Chaps from Central Scotland

Post by SuddenStrike »

Hello all. Sudden here I'm relatively new to preping in the true sense of the word but let the journey begin. I'm 40 something going on 20ish. Family think I'm nuts for doing this but thats not going to stop me. My wife and I (oh and the two boys) are in the Stirling area. I have a 3 month plan to put about 6 months supply together .... well the basics to start. In a survival situation you start with the basics ..... food, shelter and fire. The rest I believe will fall into place ... in time. I'll take the knowledge you offer and contradute where I can ... heres to the journey ahead .... and hoping the worst never happens.

Later guys
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Re: Hello Chaps from Central Scotland

Post by tigs »

hello and welcome to the forum

don't forget the most basic ! water its the most important of the basics
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Re: Hello Chaps from Central Scotland

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum.:)
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Re: Hello Chaps from Central Scotland

Post by Survivalist85 »

Hello and welcome to the forum. Iv been prepping since i was 4 and 24 years later im still in the early stages. Thats the beauty of it, its a constant learning curve and it doesnt cost a fortune. Your in a lovely part of the country there too. Best wishes for the future and for prepping.


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Re: Hello Chaps from Central Scotland

Post by SuddenStrike »

Thanks guys for the welcome!
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Re: Hello Chaps from Central Scotland

Post by Davesdad »

Hi sudden strike, I have just joined the forum and am from Aberdeenshire.