What is your concept of Bugging Out?

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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by jansman »

So-where will we all ACTUALLY run away to on this crowded island? Personally I have nowhere, since I sold the holiday house. To me, "Bug Out" means becoming a refugee.
Oh!, puhleaase don't say you are heading to the woods-right now it is freezin' out there, so that is suicidal fantasy.
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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by Bodhihermit »

jansman wrote: Oh!, puhleaase don't say you are heading to the woods-right now it is freezin' out there, so that is suicidal fantasy.
Freezing!!! Not a problem! I regularly take myself off to the great outdoors for a week in the winter, and love every minute of it, it's all very well amassing stores of food, but if you baulk at the idea of it getting chilly then you have already failed, SHTF is no respector of person or time of year, it certainly won't wait for the summer for a nice comfy bug out.
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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by dannydela91 »

I have two options at present;

1 - I have a boat (as I live on the coast) and its able to house 4 of us off shore for months easily the only problem with this, that it would be hard to narrow down my large family to 4 people.

2 - I have a large outdoor structure in the country side with several sleeping areas, workshops, farming around everything I need this is a 30 min drive from my home address well in the country with a huge amount of food and fluid for all my family.
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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by Quercus-robur »

jansman wrote: Oh!, puhleaase don't say you are heading to the woods-right now it is freezin' out there, so that is suicidal fantasy.
For the last 8 years I have spent several weeks over winter out on the fells and I am still alive.

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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by grenfell »

I've camped out in winter before and survived , indeed crawling out from under a sheet of canvas to find everything white over does give an odd boost to the ego. However, that said I do tend to agree with jansman that the whole head for the woods idea is a bit of a non starter. Maybe doable to a point but add in a child or two and it becomes an even worse idea. On one really cold camp a friend had brought her five year old grand daughter who was sick during the night. Having to get her out of her wet clothes and clean up the tent in the cold and dark isn't really any bodies idea of fun. Add that to the problems of feeding and cooking for large numbers of people then the idea of bugging out to the countryside becomes , as jansman says, suicidal fantasy.
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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by ForgeCorvus »

In order

1. Bug-In
2. Bug-Out to a preppared place
3. Bug-Out to a prearranged place
4. Bug-Out to a place organised by .Gov
5. Bug-Out to somewhere and then find a place
6. Bug-Out to Off-Map

Options 2 to 4 are 'Soft Bug-Out', i.e. going to a mate's house, hotel or Evac centre.
5 might be a mixture of Soft and Hard (get out of disaster zone and then find somewhere to stay, could be camping in a garden or WHY)
6 is so unlikely as to be unreal...... However, we are preppers and as such need to cover all possibilities

Soft Bug-Out is why you need a Sister-bag
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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by DundeePrepper »

Absolutely NO CHANCE!!! of me bugging out unless I have my little haven, built, stocked for 3 months and running!!!


I wouldn't even consider the BO to the woods with the tarp, paracord, knife and a benson and hedges survival tin... totally ridiculous if you ask me! Infact if I ever see someone out doing this I will humanely exterminate them myself :o .. save them the agony of three weeks suffering :lol:
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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by Triple_sod »

I've never quite understood when the term 'bugging out' became synonymous with 'running off to the woods with what you can carry',
as for me it simply means 'moving to an area of greater safety'. i.e a bug out location.

Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by moocher »

Just went somewhere today,not far from home so walkable in a day,had a working fire place,dark,places to hide,area full of livestock and large game,and squirrels and pheasants ,pretty ideal.
Downside would have to force entry and it's not discreet.
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Re: What is your concept of Bugging Out?

Post by QUAID »

At some point everyone may have to 'Bug-Out' from wherever they are, be it their 'bugging in' location or your alternate emergency location.
You will always have make plans for extraction. Remember your Bug out location is 'somewhere else!'.
Either way, you will have to come up with a plan on how to identify and get to your emergency location.

I have always worked off the strategy that you organise your gear in accordance with the threat level and location:
Home location - All the comforts that your every day life will give you. I work off the theory of levels and back up... as follows:

Bug out - Tier 1 - Transport to Bug Out Location using Vehicle, carrying all the heavy gear and large items (large tent for example & one month of food).
Tier 2 - If vehicle is compromised, broken, out of fuel etc go to bikes with trailer - carrying smaller and lighter tent and a week of food.
Tier 3 - If trailer goes down or we have to ditch it - Bike only carrying bergans (equipment gets smaller and lighter (tarp/basha) 3 days of food.
Tier 4 - Bike fails/stolen/gets ditched - Bergan with chest load carrying vest (slower to move across terrain)
Tier 5 - Bergan is lost (for whatever reason) - Survive with whatever is on the body - survival blanket/survival tin /lifestraw/snack bars
Hopefully by this stage i should have reached my Bug out location containing more supplies.
Cached items on the way would also help.

Anyhow.... this is my methodology. Would be interested to hear about other peoples strategies.
Feel free to interrogate my strategy...