Home made anesthetic?

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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by ro2935 »

ForgeCorvus wrote:I was asking because I knackered my back a while ago, I ended up taking Co-Codemol and Ibuprofen (doses of each drug staggered, so I was taking medication every 2 hours ) under the advice of the doctor (Prior to getting the 'scrip I was double tapping Paracetamol and Ibuprofen )..... I hate taking anything so if I'd had something that could of taken the edge off I'd of used it.
(you don't really want to get rid of all the pain, its the body's way of reminding you that you shouldn't be doing 'that').

Where to get Clove and Rosemary oils?
And how long can they be kept ?
Most health food shops, boots and some pharmacies sell arromatherapy oils. Have you tried a TENS machine? my daughter has mild cerable palsy ad suffers a lot with leg and back pain a TENS machine works most of the time for her.

Note about arromatherapy oils they are consentrated and are toxic if not diluted. Many years back a 3 year old watched his daddy use clove oil for tooth ache, the kiddy drank a 5ml bottle he was hospitalised with liver failure and died 5 days latter, Penny royal which can be used as an steam inhalant to treat chest infections can also cause spontaneous abortions 2 teenage girls died 20 years ago one drank the pennyroyal and the second used the pennyroyal neat on her pelvic area, both aborted but died from hemmorrhaging, it is illegal to buy pennyroyal oil in the uk. Sorry cant give any links they happened long before I had internet. I have been intrested in aromatherapy oils for 25 years the only oil I use neat is Lavender, great on burns and rubbed into the temples for headaches.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by Malthouse »

newtonweir wrote:Correcting a fracture - fix it in traction (bottles of water or bricks to pull the fracture in skin traction - this will alleviate pain)

Cauterising wounds - don't. Use warm, wet, clean swabs/towels and lots of pressure. You cant cauterise major vessels.

Amputation - do it quickly with a tourniquet, then irrigate (dilution is the solution to pollution (infection)), and then apply warm, wet towels etc.
I second all of that. If there is a real need to do any painful procedure then infection control for everyone concerned is going to be your number one priority, yes pain relief is an obligation but not if withholding it will cause further harm. In other words if it really needs doing then get on and make sure it is of real benefit!

Also to be considering doing things like this on a DIY basis without any proper supplies or skills you must be envisaging a really grim scenario, so balance that with the level of care you could then offer to your patient.

As someone trained to do all of the examples given.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by Hamradioop »

pennyroyal Oil is freely available on t'interweb. just google it.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by QUAID »

Most of the responses mainly deal with mild - moderate pain - ie enough relief to be able to be stitched / re-set a dislocation etc. If it came to major limb trauma i think you'd be on your way to being screwed.
Either risk chloroform type of home made concoction /get some one to knock you out or let the pain cause them to faint.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by Malthouse »

QUAID wrote:How many will remember this thread when faced with a similar situation?
Sage advice indeed.

I know a trauma doc who works on ambulance helicopters, he is also a highly regarded anaesthetist. Perhaps the one guy in the world I would trust to improvise emergency care in the field.

This coming from someone who trains, practices and carries out procedures like the ones discussed in this thread!

Do what you can, as soon as you are out of your comfort zone seek help. Help may be defined in lots of different ways, that is where your skills as a prepare come to the fore ;)
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by lee3 »

@forgecorvus .... My dad suffers from acute back pain and has tried many prescription medicines (dont ask me which!) The only ones of which worked caused other problems and had nasty side effects! As well as over the counter remedies which invariably didn't do much at all .…. Then a neighbour said her family had always used ... And swore by mixing aloe vera with aguadent ...(he's Portuguese and its a home made fig rum) ....together and applying external rubbing into the area of pain ..... He now on bad days only uses this and is impressed! I would imagine you could substitute the aguadent for any high alcohol spirit ... Or rubbing alcohol? ....I guess that's what this concoction is in effect ... Although I dont know if whatever traces of fig after distilling have any medical qualities? And although he has aloe in the garden it grows quite happily in a pot in south facing window here? .... I've got a. Massive plant .... Its also AAAmazing for burns ...as well as the more commonly know use after sun!
Hopefully nothing to lose trying it out? But probably worth checking with a quack first
Hope this helps
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by Ghost Prepper »

Would Nisrous Oxide work? Such as the bottles on N2O you can purchase for use in cars?

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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by Malthouse »

Ghost Prepper wrote:Would Nisrous Oxide work? Such as the bottles on N2O you can purchase for use in cars?
Yes, but very dangerous - do not try it.

Nitrous Oxide is powerful stuff, it will put someone unconscious way too quickly to be controlled in an informal setting.

The stuff used medically is a 50/50 combination with straight oxygen. Even that will knock many people out after 5 or 6 deep breaths!
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Ghost Prepper wrote:Would Nisrous Oxide work? Such as the bottles on N2O you can purchase for use in cars?
As Malthouse says, it can be dangerous stuff
Also the gas thats for cars is going to be laced with all sorts of crap that you really don't want to be breathing in

Some people use the food-grade stuff (used for making squirty cream) as their drug of choice (and I wouldn't be suprised if some of them die each year)

That said, its safer then homemade cloroform or risking concussion ( or anoxia) by getting 'knocked out'

Personally, if its not a proper Entonox kit, then you can keep it away from me
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by Malthouse »

Yes, people do end their lives from using the little canisters. It was a bit of a thing a year or so ago but seems to be tailing off now.

Even Entonox is dangerous, when we give it we have to be super-careful. Used correctly it can be a powerful medical tool, but slip up and people wake up dead. :(