Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

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Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by RobinHoodie »

Im 41, married with three fairly young children, ex RAF and have been prepping for quite a few years now. Although I didn't know it had a name and thought i was just being a little paranoid. I was and still am paranoid but im glad to see that I'm not alone in thinking that its a good idea to be prepared.
Many thanks to all those that have posted here as I've been reading quite a few posts over the last couple of days. Thought I'd better register and say so. I doubt I've got much to add in terms of expertise but i will help where i can.
As for actual prep, we have a good supply of dry foods etc and quite a few good tools. My two oldest (girls) could both start a fire in the garden with only what they could fine within the garden. I know its not much but they enjoy it and it got them started too. I thought about the Scout movement for them, but it seems they dont do the kind of activities i used to when i was young. I shoot, fish and we keep a good stock of rabbits and we also have an aquaponics setup for both veg and fish.
nice to meet you all

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Re: Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by Quercus-robur »

Hello and Welcome to the forum. First of all I would like to say thank you for you service. You sound like you have a good set up and I'm impressed with the aquaponics system. If/When I get my own place I would make an aquaponics system a top priority. Glad to see your kids are getting involved. It's great when you can involve your family and don't have to prep alone.

What is it you are prepping for?

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Re: Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by tigs »

welcome to the forum
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Re: Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by PreppingPingu »

Hello and welcome :)
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Re: Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by RobinHoodie »

I have doubts about the longevity of the production of electricity here in the UK and also fossil fuels in general. I also suspect that if power production becomes an issue, there may be a financial collapse, at least temporarily. I just want to ensure my family stay safe and healthy.
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Re: Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by Survivalist85 »

Hi and welcome to the forum. Pleased to have you on board.

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Re: Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by Hamradioop »

Hi robin and welcome.
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Re: Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by damaralenoire »

Hello and welcome

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Re: Just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum. :)
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