Planting 2012

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Re: Planting 2012

Post by nickdutch »

Late april to mid may I will be planting. Getting out my pumpkin seeds from the halloween pumpkin and planting that, cabbages in grow bags, peas and beans, etc. Its also soon time to get out and catch me some squirrel too.
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Planting 2012

Post by pietka »

Onion and garlic are in! Still got loads of ever-lasting onions in the ground! Guna be tidying the green house this weekend! And preparing the neighbors! That we have been allowed to use! =)
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by hobo »

Now have 5 rows x 20 onions in plus 25 garlic.
Planted blueberry and loganberry bushes and an olive tree!
Sowed about 200 various seeds over the last few weeks.

Re: Planting 2012

Post by Alleycat »

Started off indoors to plant out in a cple weeks : spring onions, chives, radishes, 2 types of lettuce and+ sage, thyme, lemongrass, peppermint, borage, marjoram and cumin (though I dont know if the last one will actually be successful - probably needs to be in warmer climes but hey ho give it a go).

Started indoors to go out in a pot on nice sunny days if we get any other wise indoors - cherry tomato
Started indoors to stay indoors on the window sills all summer - 2 chilli peppers, 2 types of basil, and coriander.

Also got a gooseberry bush to put in when there's a week of no frost forecast, and a rosemary bush when theres a dry spell with no frost. :mrgreen:
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by diamond lil »

Tell me about lemongrass - how easy is it, how hardy is it?

Re: Planting 2012

Post by Alleycat »

Its sprouted from seed fine in a propagator on my window sill but if you use a greenhouse it will need a heated propogator, and my ex is a gardener by trade says its perennial but its not frost hardy so it needs covering - or some taken indoors in winter, and it needs a sheltered spot but quite a bit of sun - I like it so thought I'd give it a go. Apparently if you get a good piece from the supermarket with some of the base attached you can get it grow from that - havent tried so cant vouch for that. :D
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by diamond lil »

Ah drat, ok ta. Frost free date here is 1st June and can't guarantee a lot of sun so hardly worth the bother :evil:

Re: Planting 2012

Post by buttystella »

new allotment nicely ploughed by clive on take over, now planted broad beans,onions and sun flowers which may be a mistake. Tatties much later.

Re: Planting 2012

Post by the-gnole »

Sun flowers are good, companion planting helps pollination.

End of season, collect the seeds and use them for bird food :mrgreen:

Re: Planting 2012

Post by buttystella »

never planted sun flowers before GNole collected them from a friend hoping the hens would like them.