bug out ,bug in

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bug out ,bug in

Post by firepower »

Bug in. Bugging out would be a logistical nightmare to do properly or safely in the event of a complete collapse.

ATB Mick

Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by bigstan »

Bug in unlike the u.s. we the u.k. live on a small island so there is no were to go if you go to the woods there well be 1000.s of others doing the same thing but with no food or water .
So I am staying at home i live in a small town outside of Belfast I have good home security with a river close by and a stock of food so buging out is the last thing I want to do.
BUT I do have a bug out / get home bag in the car.

Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by metatron »

I think ideally people, including myself would like to bug in unless, the home/the family is in danger.

I think more likely economic collapse would force you to have to move where the work is, maybe back to farm land as the cost of fuel and/or parts being too high, the low cost of labour due to mass unemployment and the breakdown of the benefit system and the import of food being alarmingly high. You might need to move to a fishing village, or your house gets taken by the bank.

Its great if you own your home outright and have loads of land to grow on, but most rent or owe money on their homes, so a breakdown of the system could mean you are out on your arse. Sure you can go to friends and family but most will be in the same state as you, just look at what happened in the US with the mass migration of people to California. People move where the work is. You may have to bug out and live in a tent city just to earn enough money to eat and get medication, lots of people/families already live this way in the US.

Its great to say well I have x amount in the bank and x amount in precious metals, plus two years worth of food and water but it will run out and with no money coming in you will need to find someway of restocking.




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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by unsure »

bug in untill the last possable moment , then uncover the landrover and head out , to were , ive not decided yet .
why , because it would take a rather large van or small truck to move everything [preps ] and every body in one go . it might be a little easyer know with my brother on board .
YES i walked away mid sentence , you were boring me to death and my survival instincts kick in .

Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Zai »

If you bug out, you are a refugee. If you bug in, you are a sitting duck.

I plan on bugging in, because I've just spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on a new house, and if anyone wants to take it off me I'll make sure they limp off cursing. :D
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Re: Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by madgaz »

Zai wrote:if anyone wants to take it off me I'll make sure they limp off cursing. :D
And I too, shall defend my castle :twisted:

At the end of the day, I would bug in until it was impossible to do so. Mainly for the comfort of my 2 young kids.

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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by PreppingPingu »

In the western modern world, bugging in is sensible if possible. A lot of senariors will be short lived and in a town or near an urban area you will still have access to medical, food and law and order services. It would take something really major to disprupt these. Survival is also often about numbers and people working together too, so in a short term shtf senario, having folks nearby is a sound idea. 'Course as has been said it does rather depend of what has happened to get you the stage of making a bug in/bug out choice. The chaos that follows an event where people are trying to escape is madness and the lives lost when people flee disaster zones etc can be quite horrific.
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Fabiodm »

Unless people can devote hours upon hours to their bug out plan/location how can they feel more secure than bugging in...
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by ukprep »

I would bug in and I think it is what everyone should try to do. I do however have a backups incase we haev to bug out although I hope that we would never need to.
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Steve C »

Bug in for me if at all possible, while I could/can do the bug-out survival stuff I don't think the OH (+Yorkie) would be too impressed! Plus don't have the capacity to carry all my stuff in the car so would have to select what to take depending on the nature of the 'event'