Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Kit, Clothing, Tools, etc

Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by gandelff99 »

Couldn't agree more,I'm not anti farmer or anti land owner,fair play to them and they'll be protecting there families too.
However,in that scenario tresspassers, poachers ,roamers,chances,even genuine refugees could all be roaming around rural areas to escape whatever.

I have the boomslang recon crossbow amongst others,that folds down no bigger than a knapsack,if and should I ever require to use it for hunting,then it'd be ten/15 seconds from back pack to firing position. Take the shot/stalk etc ,shoot, retrieve and away,

Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by Triple_sod »

Couldn't make head nor tail of that gandelff99 I'm afraid,

Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by gandelff99 »

I type on a tablet so bear with the spelling mistakes.
Condensed version.
Shtf fan. Your point ...air gunners hunting every thing down food shortage etc
My point....less people with crossbows still hunting everything down food shortage,

They both have the same things in common in that a. You need practice to use,stalk and hunt with both
B.if seen with either airgun or crossbow that your still going to get concern from joe public
And c. Both would still be going onto private land to hunt if that's where the game is

Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by Triple_sod »

Ah I think I see where we got our wires crossed here,

I wasn’t particularly singling out crossbows but merely stating that hunting in general post SHTF would be problematic for all reasons stated above.

Therefore I don’t really see the point choosing to own a crossbow that's only really of any 'use' in that specific scenario, when an air rifle, shotgun or firearm or even a slingshot would be undoubtedly more suited to the job, and also legal to use in there here and now.

Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by essgee23 »

i have some spare time coming up whilst working n Leeds, saw this: ... sbow-range

might go and have a go next week. ;)

Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by survivor_steve »

hello all, just my take on this.... in scotland there trying to bring a ban in on air weapons unless licenced, which if it goes through which it looks like it will in no time there will be a ban on airguns/pistols here also, when that comes in there may well be a ban on x bows as there more powerfull than a non fac air rifle, just a thought that before you all go out buying airguns, if it does come in are you prepared to pay the £50 for license, £££ for gun cabinet?

now for me i do hope they bring in airgun licence and also have a no power limit on them, although i only have airguns and section 2 shotguns i could then have a super powerfull powder burner + fac spinger on ticket... for hunting purposes only may i add

Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by nightowl »

One thing to consider when thinking about buying a crossbow for a SHTF situation is how mobile you're likely to be. Are you going to be staying in one place or travelling, and if it's the latter whether you have transport. If you don't then you might find the amount of bolts and spares you're going to have to carry in your rucksack a pain in the backside. Air rifles are generally a very simple, user-friendly piece of kit with ammo that takes up the minimum of space. Likewise slingshots. The latter has the benefit that you can improvise if you do run out of specialist ammo. I've had some decent results just practising with small stones I've picked up while out and about.
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Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by ukprep »

Thought i would just say that a cross bow/any weapon is 100% necessary and exactly why the Americans protect their right to bear arms and so they should. our country and the mass of people in it have been put into a stupid sense of false security that they are above such actions as to carry a weapon. Me personally I would like to be there when these people who say weapons are not necessary, not just crossbows, have the people who will run the country after a SHTF event.

The people who instinctivly rise to the top are the people who are willing to do anything to get to the top. Right now in our society to succeed it is the intellectual who rules. The man who goes to university becomes the lawyer becomes the banker and we know how that turned out, trying not to brake this sites rule.

However after a SHTF event the rule of the strong will happen again and a dog eat dog survival of the fitest. The one willing to do whatever it takes is not your politician your police man your kings/queens they are all going to disappear. What will follow is nothing, but mob rule with one alpha and when that happens not only would I want a xbow in my hand I would want as many guns as possible.

Those who think otherwise are hippies or on something. I like to think of that woman of doomsday preppers who run the x missile silo who said anyone who came to their camp would not want to stay and leave. No what would happen is they would come to their x missile silo and they would be forced to leave or worse.

I am not a gun nut I dont go out shooting I dont even go out hunting, but what I am is a realist.

Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by survivor_steve »

every weapon has a different use, air rifles great with nv unit on for sniping bunnies at night, quiet and not heard nor seen, could also be used as a spotter to keep an eye out in the dark

shotty no limit on amount of cartridges you can buy, infact if you buy 10,000 they work out alot cheaper, unfortunately i dont have that amount of money, also range is limited but give you a good chance at moving targets and also can pack a good punch out to 50-60 yards with a good fox round

rifles - depending on calibre can have a good range but limited on ammo, used for rabbits to deer depending on calibre, although bullets could work out expensive

x bow, quiet accurate to reasonable hunting ranges, bolts could be a cost factor unless you could make your own

air pistol - hmmmm good fun for plinking tin can and paper punching

catapult - ready supply of ammo, marbles dont cost alot, i couldnt work one though after a year or so of trying lol

just my view of a few recognised weapons, all could be used for other uses if need be itshtf but none of the above are grab and youre an expert, an air rifle takes hours of practice getting the right pellet thats accurate at decent ranges,learning trajectory of pellet etc, shotty , learning chokes,ranges,different cartridges,getting swing right so youre not missing everything and just hearing a big boom that can be heard for a mile, getting the right hold, dry mounting so you get it right, fac/powder burner rifles similar to air rifles to learn apart from you have to learn ranges further out and adjust aim so you hit your target.... you get the idea folks.... ive been hunting with air rifles since i was knee high to a grasshopper and still learning and still costing me alot of money, in the past 11 months i reckon ive spent near on £3000 on hunting equipment even though i already had a bit beforehand.

The laws could well be changing and fac's are harder to get now, if youre looking for a new sport and wish to dedicate many hours and ££££ then go for it,my next 6 weekends + are booked and no matter what unless drastic i cannot get out of it... if you want to buy to prepare for the worst and have no interest in the above then maybe the cost could be better of spent elsewhere... food,equipment,medical and maybe join up with someone who is interested in the above and has experience.

one last thought, any of the above in experienced could easily be used against you from an experienced person ;) just a little something for you to think about, im not saying do this and dont do that im just giving you my opinion, all the best :-)
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Re: Crossbow. Is it really necessary?

Post by Rusty337 »

didnt read everyones reply : o

have you tried one of these ... ossbow.jpg

they're only about 30-60 quid ,

light weight
and still fairly deadly.

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