What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Huntsman »

Love the garden anyhow, love the way you have the shed :)

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Huntsman »

When target shooting this evening and manage to catch my finger in the bolt, ouch :(

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by swompy15 »

Hi everyone
I have finally got my veg in its actually stopped raining I heard the cuckoo and seen some swallows so summer can’t be far behind. :D I have planted potatoes, cabbage, onions, spring onions, garlic, swedes beetroots and lettuce with carrots and a few other bits to plant before the end of the week. And I found some blackcurrant bushes some rhubarb plants and an old cooking apple tree in my nans garden so happy days. ;)
Also me and the old man half-filled the log shed ready for next winter and lastly I have also brought some water purifying tablets and fire steel for my BOB.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Rosesandtea »

We've been working on the allotment bit by bit, and our home garden as well.

I put a request on Freecycle for rhubarb (I noticed at the allotments many people have it, but don't harvest it which bugs the heck out of me!) and I had a couple of responses (and a friend saw it and will bring me some on Sat). One was at our very allotments and she let me gather some. I tried not to be greedy so didn't take all I'd like. :mrgreen: Then today I got another reply from another Freecycler and my husband went and got some from her on the way home from work.

All but a handful of the rhubarb has been turned into jam already today (try this - it's gorgeous!! http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/2516 ... anilla-jam) or is right now in the canner in liter jars as cooked rhubarb for crumbles, etc in future months.

I hope to save up for a dehydrator as mine went caput the last time I used it last week, and melted the trays. I would have loved to dry some rhubarb but I guess that is not to be this year.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by TwoDo »

Rosesandtea wrote:I hope to save up for a dehydrator as mine went caput the last time I used it last week, and melted the trays. I would have loved to dry some rhubarb but I guess that is not to be this year.
It is possible to make them quite cheaply. Just Google up "solar dehydrator" - it seems quite straight forward. A sheet of old glass or plastic and an old pallet should do it. Lots of pictures and plans on the net. I intend to make one this summer.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Rosesandtea »

TwoDo wrote:
Rosesandtea wrote:I hope to save up for a dehydrator as mine went caput the last time I used it last week, and melted the trays. I would have loved to dry some rhubarb but I guess that is not to be this year.
It is possible to make them quite cheaply. Just Google up "solar dehydrator" - it seems quite straight forward. A sheet of old glass or plastic and an old pallet should do it. Lots of pictures and plans on the net. I intend to make one this summer.
Yes, it is probably worth making one. However you do need reliably consistent sun and with the amount I need to do, if I am to do it, I'd like something more reliable (and quicker) that I can use rain or shine. But, a solar dehydrator would be a good thing to have and learn to use.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Ferricks »

I'm potting on in the greenhouse this week and planting out. The turn in the weather is amazing and I'm starting to get a bit hopeful that there'll be something on the table after all!

I'm also getting £60 of dried / UHT milk from Morrisons this week so that a) I get the 12p off per litre of fuel voucher, and b) farm gate prices should be increasing SUBSTANTIALLY for milk (and so all related products) later in the year. the press release should be out over the next couple of weeks so want to get ahead!
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by pseudonym »

Ordered a parachute yesterday:

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/X-Type-Parach ... 1c241f1f82

Arrived this morning. :mrgreen:

No affiliation with seller etc....

Mainly going to be used as a communal area for bushcrafting, but can be folded down and used as a single shelter.

All the rigging lines are present all 5 mtrs in length - that's a lot of paracord. :lol:

SHTF uses - clothing/sleeping bags/ camo etc
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by nickdutch »

bought a stove top steamer for when the electric breaks down or when I have to cook rice + veg + fish or meat off grid with only one hob to feat 2 or more people.

When I get some more money i am gonna invest in a paper shredder (ideally manual not electric) so that my information doesn't go to the criminal classes.

But that's for when the next chunk of money comes in.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Ferricks »

nickdutch wrote:
When I get some more money i am gonna invest in a paper shredder (ideally manual not electric) so that my information doesn't go to the criminal classes.

But that's for when the next chunk of money comes in.

I got one in poundland about a month ago - I'm going to use the shreds for the woodburner (if the savings ever get to the stage that mean I can finally get it!).