Bugging Out ?

Homes and Retreats

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by luxor »

until then though a nice Motel will do for anything likely to come along before that
even if yellowstone were to go bang? :lol:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by the-gnole »

luxor wrote:
until then though a nice Motel will do for anything likely to come along before that
even if yellowstone were to go bang? :lol:
Oh dear, oh dear oh dear, That isn't "Bug out" that is a life and planet changing event, BIG difference between the two.

"Bug out" for the the majority of clear thinking logical people is generally seen as a short term solution to a short term event, hence the reason most sensible people have a 72hr Bug out Bag, not a vacuum packed new live in a back pack.

If Yellowstone super volcano does eventually go pop it is unlikely to have a direct immediate effect on me and mine a long term solution to a long term problem is what we will all be looking at, whereas a local event is most likely to happen and thus the use of a motel for immediate Bug out.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by luxor »

Oh dear, oh dear oh dear, That isn't "Bug out" that is a life and planet changing event, BIG difference between the two.

"Bug out" for the the majority of clear thinking logical people is generally seen as a short term solution to a short term event, hence the reason most sensible people have a 72hr Bug out Bag, not a vacuum packed new live in a back pack.
In hindsight, yellowstone was a poor choice of event.

thats where we differ, bug out for me is an enforced evacuation due to any event.
have you thought of what your do if you arrive at your travel lodge and it along with all the others in the area are full?
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diamond lil
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Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by diamond lil »

Which it def would be, Luxor ! :mrgreen:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by TomW »

Prepping on the whole is very scenario dependant and that's particularly true for the stay or go debate. I don't think you can say that in x situation you will definitely stay and in y definitely go. One of my shtf scenarios is flooding for which I would go to a b&b however if it happens in the middle of the night I would bug in rather than risk travelling. In a wrol scenario I would hope to stay put but if the trouble got close I would clear out pretty sharpish.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by bulldogeagle »

the-gnole wrote:
"Bug out" for the the majority of clear thinking logical people is generally seen as a short term solution to a short term event, hence the reason most sensible people have a 72hr Bug out Bag
if "the event" is only going to last for 3 days/nights then its all back to normal, then i wont "bug out", i really dont see the point, i'm only bugging out if its a once in a lifetime, life changing event, sort of TEOTWAWKI type event, if its 72 hours and its all over, i shall bug IN.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by the-gnole »

So if a large toxic chemical fire occurs within a 1/4 mile of your home with a wind direction heading your way that is a bug in situation, correct?

As mentioned previously, we have had two industrial units catch fire within a 1/4 mile of my home, the first I was at work five miles away, I got the call from wife No1 that she wanted out, so I evacuated them to the factory office until my shift finished, we then went home, had it been earlier and I wasn't working we would have been able (Without doubt) to get into a local motel/hotel/B&B.

The second was a much bigger scale fire which cost two firemans lives, the area was sealed off and folks were directed to the local leisure centre, I was single at the time, so went to friends and family, again it would have been possible to go into a local hotel/B&B/motel without much of a problem (apart from being skint for me).

It appears we have moved the goal posts again, we are now saying "Enforced evacuation" rather than bug out.

If the local Inns were full we could easily move to the next area which is just 15 minutes away, where they have more Inns ;)

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by TeeDee »

the-gnole wrote: If the local Inns were full we could easily move to the next area which is just 15 minutes away, where they have more Inns ;)
Would that then be a " Bug-Inn"?? :lol:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by the-gnole »

TeeDee wrote:
Would that then be a " Bug-Inn"?? :lol:
:roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by silverfox »

if the local Inns were full we could easily move to the next area which is just 15 minutes away, where they have more Inns ;)
Have you not heard, even 2000 years ago it was hard to find a room at the Inn, especially this time of year :lol: