What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Chef »

Good idea, I've not got one at all :(

Got a sweet thermometer I could use at a push but I think I'd be dead before it even started to rise, I can't remember where it starts at lol, oh and one in the greenhouse from 99p shop last year.

Had a spirit one (red one I think) when the kids were younger.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Ogre »

Been looking for reasonably priced timber for book shelves in what's going to be the new Arkwrights set up. Ended up at B&Q (spit spit) buying 2.4m Deckboards. I'll run the plane over the edges and I get sturdy timber shelving at £1.56 per meter. My local saw mill was asking over £2 per meter for timber so sweet...

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by bulldogeagle »

just ordered a new knife and will be ordering a 16ft X 8ft green Tarpaulin tomorrow.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Alleycat »

nothing much, just watching and watering and feeding my tomatoes :D I've never grown anything to eat before this year so am well chuffed that my 2 triffids....I mean tomato plants that I started off indoors and never moved them out doors because of all the frost we were getting, are bearing many fruits - last count 21 on one plant and 11 on the other and still plenty of flowers! And also my 2 chilli plants have just started growing chillis and have loads of flowers on them! Its all just so exciting :D

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Bear86 »

I feel like Ive been slacking off all i have done this week is buy a few cans of food and a pack of bandages :shock:

But Bandages has been on my list for a while, i was looking for the 35p supermarket ones but they were always sold out but found pack of 6 in pound shop so small victories :D

Maybe i will inventory my cans i should be up to a month supply now

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by preppingsu »

Had a big delivery from tescos but before it arrived went to lidl for a few items, forgetting what I ordered from tescos. Ended up with a few duplicates- oops :D .
Food storage shelves looking pretty good now!

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Slimslim »

NBC Suit finally arrived :D although tbh will be using it more for hunting rather than its intended purpose... Also picked up a few cans of corned beef and a single tin of Sardines to try.

Which reminds me has anyone got any good recipes for tinned sardines? I had them the other day and found they tasted far .... FAR better then they looked.... Anything that might make them look a little more appetising in order to get the other half eating them?

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Huntsman »

Slimslim wrote:NBC Suit finally arrived :D although tbh will be using it more for hunting rather than its intended purpose...
Is it hot and heay to wear, I always imagined they would be, is I more like a hazmat suit or a military style one?

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by maxilaura »

spent an hour at the allotment up the road from me speaking to an elderly gentleman who has been there for over 15 years and got some sound advice from him as to what to grow and what not to grow in our area. Its amazing how helpful some people are compared to the vast majority out there.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Slimslim »

Huntsman wrote:
Slimslim wrote:NBC Suit finally arrived :D although tbh will be using it more for hunting rather than its intended purpose...
Is it hot and heay to wear, I always imagined they would be, is I more like a hazmat suit or a military style one?
The one I got is one of the old British Army DPM ones, erm its heavy-ish not to bad tbh the only thing I would say is the the filter layer(?) on the inside can be itchy. But other than that it was a good buy only a tenner on ebay. :D