Bugging Out ?

Homes and Retreats

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by bulldogeagle »

the-gnole wrote:So if a large toxic chemical fire occurs within a 1/4 mile of your home with a wind direction heading your way that is a bug in situation, correct?

I'm sorry, my friend, but as i've said so often before, i live just outside a very small rural town(pop 1300) more of a village really, we dont have the industrial set up here, so this kind of scenario wouldn't arise. flooding isn't a problem either as we are uphill of the nearest river which has had flood precautions added many years ago.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by the-gnole »

silverfox wrote:
if the local Inns were full we could easily move to the next area which is just 15 minutes away, where they have more Inns ;)
Have you not heard, even 2000 years ago it was hard to find a room at the Inn, especially this time of year :lol:
But 2000 years ago most accomodation was single storey ;)

Also at this time of the year there was probably plenty of room at the Inn, in the Summer it would have been packed with all those folks travelling to the polls :shock:
Carrot Cruncher

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

I'm sorry, my friend, but as i've said so often before, i live just outside a very small rural town(pop 1300) more of a village really, we dont have the industrial set up here, so this kind of scenario wouldn't arise. flooding isn't a problem either as we are uphill of the nearest river which has had flood precautions added many years ago.
So you wont be bugging out if your house is on fire ? or a gas leak ? or.....the list goes on but i'm sure you get my drift

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by the-gnole »

bulldogeagle wrote:
the-gnole wrote:So if a large toxic chemical fire occurs within a 1/4 mile of your home with a wind direction heading your way that is a bug in situation, correct?

I'm sorry, my friend, but as i've said so often before, i live just outside a very small rural town(pop 1300) more of a village really, we dont have the industrial set up here, so this kind of scenario wouldn't arise. flooding isn't a problem either as we are uphill of the nearest river which has had flood precautions added many years ago.

No tankers travelling in your area that might have a bit of an accident?

No internal pipework that may leak and cause a flood from the inside?

No Electricity that might cause a problem?

No gas?

If we want to have "make believe" we may as well go all the way ;)

Far too many "What if's" can be thrown into this mix, so we will just go around and around until it gets more silly than it has got so far. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by bulldogeagle »

the-gnole wrote:
Far too many "What if's" can be thrown into this mix, so we will just go around and around until it gets more silly than it has got so far. :lol: :lol: :lol:
like you say too many "ifs", we can debate scenarios until the cows come home, when "the event" happens THEN & ONLY THEN will i decide wether to stay or go!

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by the-gnole »

bulldogeagle wrote: when "the event" happens THEN & ONLY THEN will i decide wether to stay or go!
As I said on page two.
the-gnole wrote:it is to do with "risk assessment", I am more likely to have a power/water outage than an 18 wheeler wiping out my house.

Prepare for the little things and let the big ones sort themselves out, prepping for one often covers multiples
Sounds to me you are doing the same thing :roll:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by bulldogeagle »

the-gnole wrote:

Prepare for the little things and let the big ones sort themselves out, prepping for one often covers multiples
Sounds to me you are doing the same thing :roll:[/quote]
i think so, i started on the original site, learning from people like NR and Hangfest, and building up our supplies both food and non food, wife is now complaining that the food store is full and overflowing :lol:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Jabba »

What a very interesting thread!

If nothing else then I feel like I've learned a lot about each of you after reading through all 18 pages (agh, my eyes hurt).

I must say, I find myself in agreement with most of you, even when you contradict each other. Isn't the truth such a wonderful shade of grey :roll:

I'm ashamed to admit I don't yet have a proper plan B, or even a fully organised plan A, but I do 'live the dream' of sustainability as best I can at the moment, so staying put would be my best shot in most situations. I agree that location is key and if I lived in London I'd have a BOL sorted, but haven't felt the need from here (although anything is possible). Like Tee Dee says, prepping is much more fun when it's not about paranoia and obsession, but rather trying to change lifestyle in a positive way to earn independence and all the satisfaction that brings. We live in exciting times and there's so much more we know and can do now that would never have been possible years ago; being self-sufficient doesn't mean being condemned to hard graft if you plan ahead and use the technology/information available.

I do agree with the need for groups if you want to 'prosper' rather than survive too. I have made good contacts with my neighbours in the hopes that general sense of community will serve me well (dairy farm and smallholding, so also very useful neighbours). This is a key focus for me now and something I hope to have a skeleton solution for within 6 months or so (I'm optimistic to a fault ;)).

No offence to anyone here, but the squabbling in this thread clealry demonstrates how selective one needs to be if the group is to be solid and run smoothly and effectively.

Thank god for the internet or there'd be very little chance of finding a dozen or more like-minded and resourceful people who could be relied upon and work well with others.

Personally, I expect gradual and sustained downturn to eventually lead to a tipping point in social unrest followed by some really tough years as we pull ourselves back together again in a new and wonderful era where we learn to love our fellow man and live in harmony ;) lol - irritatingly optimistic and far too much of a hippy I know :oops:

One love bredren ;) /chuckle

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Huntsman »

Well this afternoon I scouted out a very promising bug out location, a 2 minuet drive or 20 minuet walk away. In very nice wildlife full, isolated woodland above a large old quarry. Full of squirrels and game bird. Sheep and deer. As well as an all year round stream. My plan if I had to bug out would be to drive the 4X4 up there. Setup my tipi and wood burning stove, bed and radio. Etc. and then build my perimeter, of long sticks nailed inbetween the trees to make a ring shape and then fortified further with barbed wire. From there I could successfully hunt, gather and trap. I doubt that I would starve to death. A constant supply of water, heated Norwegian tipi and security. And it's so far out the way, and I didn't know it was there for the last 5 years. I don't think any sheeple would venture off the road into an old quarry full of, health and safety signs, then 2 miles into very thick muddy woodland and then be prepared to fight a defensive family protecting there livelyhood. Or I wouldn't anyway...... Would any of you guys or am I just lazy? :?

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Huntsman »

maxilaura wrote:Unfortuantely, finances would not allow me to "bug out" other than to go to my sisters' place in London, probably the last place I should be heading towards if there was a serious problem and the SHTF.

Ideally I would love to go to North Wales and get lost in the Snowdon Mountains. My long term goal is to buy a plot of land in Wales and one day build my own cottage, solar panels, alternative heating and the works - a bit of a pipe dream for a single mother who knows next to nothing about most stuff.

If things did get hairy in Guildford, I would still head for Wales - nowhere to stay though apart from my camping gear.
Contrary to that I think I would be able to successfully bug out locally to Guildford, not sure about your situation but I'm good friends with allot of people at bisley rifle range including some of the senior officials, maybe I would bug out there, and I mean it would be stupid to try a raid/loot bisley..... :lol: