What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Arzosah »

Very interesting stuff on here! I only posted my Joining post today, but there is some stuff I've done:

- bought a cast iron firepit - it can double as a bbq, with a clean surface to lay the food on, and its current use will be to burn branches from the garden I need to prune, rather than throwing them away - then the cold ashes can go on my soil, which is in desperate need of organic matter. But if TSHTF in any way, it'll get brought into the house and used as a source of heating and cooking.

- sold a bookcase I've always loathed but had needed to keep, and got £80 cash for it from a gumtree purchaser. I'd decluttered so many books, I didn't need it any more :)

- got an Approved Foods order, and as well as the usual bulk purchases, there was something on there I'd not normally have put at the top of the list, but they were 3 for 99p - nit combs! I've decided to specialise in medical and associated stuff.

- speaking of which, after some personal experiences recently with wounds, I looked for some iodine on sale cheaply in the UK - Lloyds Pharmacy do some, for less than £2, so I went to buy it - they had to order it, and then I collected it. Its only a little bottle, but I'm happy I've got something. And then I noticed it said "iodine and potassium iodide" - which is the stuff that safeguards the thyroid, isn't it? Which I also have :roll:

- I've finally accepted I can get rid of the very-nice-but-useless yoga ball thats been cluttering up my shelving for the past don't know how long. Its fated for gumtree or ebay, depending on how much it'll cost to post, when I come to check it.

Thats over the last 2-3 weeks - I don't do that amount of stuff in a week usually! Though I know I'm behind the curve.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by lasttruebreed »

going up to my bol to stash some more bits and pieces (vodka, whiskey etc) and having a word with some like minded others that are planning on bugging out about 15 miles from my own bol to pre-arrange some form of a trade agreement if SHTF. Their bol is better placed for supplies and trade opportunities, but to easily found.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by maxilaura »

when spending quite a lot of time on youtube watching how to make candles and homemade soap.

Bought a 4 trier "greenhouse" yesterday and 5 grow-in bags.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by nickdutch »

Just practiced my existing skills with heat retention cooking. i am mainly "prepping" for a time when energy will be rather expensive, which it is kinda already. So the more I can practice this skill the better. Want to get myself an induction hob (jus a singular one) as my flat is mainly electric and I have a few ferrous pans. Its supposed to react as fast as gas, so it will be ideal to use with my heat retention cooking skills as you have to heat the water that the food is in, as well as making sure that the heat goes into the food, prior to taking the food off the heat source and insulating it. Might (money permitting) get some commercial wonderbags and more pots that are ideal for that style of retention cooking.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by maxilaura »

reorganised the kitchen cupboards today, left 3 of everything in the cupboard and took everything extra upstairs to the bookshelf on the landing - got some empty cardboard boxes from sainsbugs, covered them in pretty paper, and they are now home to the "preps" on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by hobo »

Ordered some (early) birthday-present books from amazon:

'Grow Your Food for Free (Well Almost)' Dave Hamilton
'Enough: Breaking Free from the World of Excess' John Naish
'Low-Cost Living: Live better, spend less' John Harrison
'Easy Jams, Chutneys and Preserves' John Harrison, Val Harrison

Le Mouse

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Le Mouse »

hobo wrote:Ordered some (early) birthday-present books from amazon:

'Grow Your Food for Free (Well Almost)' Dave Hamilton

I have The Self-Sufficientish Bible written by Dave and his brother Andy. Very good indeed. Really well written. I can imagine that you'll enjoy your pressie :)

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by metatron »

I was down in Eastbourne today for work and had some time to kill so popped into a few charity shops and found a copy of Grow your own drugs for £2. I remember seeing the TV show a while back and it had a few interesting bit, thought it might come in useful so picked it up.

Also popped into Aldi on the way back and picked up a back up air compresser for my work shop.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by moocher »

Le Mouse wrote:
hobo wrote:Ordered some (early) birthday-present books from amazon:

'Grow Your Food for Free (Well Almost)' Dave Hamilton

I have The Self-Sufficientish Bible written by Dave and his brother Andy. Very good indeed. Really well written. I can imagine that you'll enjoy your pressie :)
yep got that when it came out,the forums abit slow going now.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by metatron »

Ordered 4 more AGS/Webley camo breakbarrel springer hunting rifles the other day (for repairs if needed, maybe trade) , so I'm going to pop down the gunshop tomorrow to pick them up, plus a case of oil and greases and 40,000 .22 pellets.