Bugging Out ?

Homes and Retreats

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by bulldogeagle »

Huntsman wrote:Well this afternoon I scouted out a very promising bug out location, a 2 minuet drive or 20 minuet walk away. In very nice wildlife full, isolated woodland above a large old quarry. Full of squirrels and game bird. Sheep and deer. As well as an all year round stream. My plan if I had to bug out would be to drive the 4X4 up there. Setup my tipi and wood burning stove, bed and radio. Etc. and then build my perimeter, of long sticks nailed inbetween the trees to make a ring shape and then fortified further with barbed wire. From there I could successfully hunt, gather and trap. I doubt that I would starve to death. A constant supply of water, heated Norwegian tipi and security. And it's so far out the way, and I didn't know it was there for the last 5 years. I don't think any sheeple would venture off the road into an old quarry full of, health and safety signs, then 2 miles into very thick muddy woodland and then be prepared to fight a defensive family protecting there livelyhood. Or I wouldn't anyway...... Would any of you guys or am I just lazy? :?
a Norwegian Tipi sounds great-for a summer or 2, but if your going to be there for 5 years(or more) i think you will eventually need something more solid around you!

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by i_am_jim »

i have a couple of locations around the country that i have found over the years. a small mining tunnel system in wales, looks like a trial mining tunnel as it does not go on for any great length in any direction. has a main chamber and three unfinished tunnels leading off from it the longest is easily about 200 metres long. havnt been down with a tape measure yet. i found the entrance by pure fluke a small hole in the ground. dropped in did some exploring got out and covered the hole over, have been back a few times and it has so far been undiscovered by anyone else, there is a dissused ww2 usaf complex tucked away in the woods near oundle that would make a great temporary location has several reinforced concerete bunkers and a few buildings. looks like its been used by some youth at some point for smoking and drinking but not for some time as the rubbish is old no new stuff. and it takes a good walk to get there no proper roads to it just dirt tracks. i lived in the area for two and a half years and none of the locals new what i was talking about when i mentioned it apart from and old bloke in his eighties. and there is an old brick building in the woods a few miles from my house. there is some sort of old pumping equipment in there an old rusted engine of some sort and a load of pipes going into the ground in one room. but again looks unvisited recently. no rubbish or usual signs. i also have friends that live in the middle of nowhere that i can go to first if things arnt too bad. if it gets mad max style i will be going to the mine tunnels or the old bunkers would be easier to defend from unsavoury characters.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by bulldogeagle »

i_am_jim wrote:i have a couple of locations around the country that i have found over the years. a small mining tunnel system in wales, looks like a trial mining tunnel as it does not go on for any great length in any direction. has a main chamber and three unfinished tunnels leading off from it the longest is easily about 200 metres long. havnt been down with a tape measure yet. i found the entrance by pure fluke a small hole in the ground. dropped in did some exploring got out and covered the hole over, have been back a few times and it has so far been undiscovered by anyone else, there is a dissused ww2 usaf complex tucked away in the woods near oundle that would make a great temporary location has several reinforced concerete bunkers and a few buildings. looks like its been used by some youth at some point for smoking and drinking but not for some time as the rubbish is old no new stuff. and it takes a good walk to get there no proper roads to it just dirt tracks. i lived in the area for two and a half years and none of the locals new what i was talking about when i mentioned it apart from and old bloke in his eighties. and there is an old brick building in the woods a few miles from my house. there is some sort of old pumping equipment in there an old rusted engine of some sort and a load of pipes going into the ground in one room. but again looks unvisited recently. no rubbish or usual signs. i also have friends that live in the middle of nowhere that i can go to first if things arnt too bad. if it gets mad max style i will be going to the mine tunnels or the old bunkers would be easier to defend from unsavoury characters.
i would be mildly concerned about smoke in the tunnels, maybe you could light a fire and see , 1 make sure the tunnels dont fill with smoke &2. can the smoke be seen from outside the tunnels and how far away?

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by i_am_jim »

this is a good concern bulldogeagle, I will be back in wales with a friend (she has just got into prepping) in a few weeks so will have a good look at them, as i was on my own when i found it and only had a quick look a few times. i do have structural concerns as the entrance i found was in the roof of the chamber and a collapse had revealed the hole. so may need to support the roof with a few acro's and some timber. which would be a mission on it's own to get them there. i am hoping there should be a proper entrance nearby. i am also hoping the rain we have had hasnt flooded the tunnels, it is situated on fairly high ground so shouldn't be much of problem. fresh water supplies won't be a problem as there is streams/springs and lakes close by and plenty of wildlife for food. may even spend the night there if it is safe to do so. :D

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Huntsman »

Going up to bug out location in about an hour, will take some pictures and post in a new thread! Really interesting geology there to if your interested ! :D

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

i_am_jim wrote:... i do have structural concerns as the entrance i found was in the roof of the chamber and a collapse had revealed the hole. so may need to support the roof with a few acro's and some timber. which would be a mission on it's own to get them there....
Not trying to teach granny to suck eggs or anything but as an experienced underground explorer there are alot of other dangers, especially in old mine workings to be aware of, false floors, various gases, drop offs, etc.

When we first explore an unexplored or long abandoned mine/tunnel of that nature we always take a gas detection meter with us, all sorts of nasties can be found below. When we done the 1880 Channel Tunnel test bore we had to let it breathe for a couple of hours as the oxygen in there was really low, and that's a chalk tunnel, coal is worse. I know that's a specialist piece of kit but just be aware and if you develop ANY kind of headache/shortness of breath/nausea or feeling sleepy, GET OUT!:(

Always use a walking pole, length of wood/metal to hit the floor in front of you before you step on it, even if you can see what looks to be solid ground, I've been in tunnels and have pics of wooden supports that look fine but you can stick your finger through them they're so rotten. :(

If you're experienced underground you'll know all of this but if not take a look at the warnings page on mine explorer HERE (I'd advise anyone not familiar with the subterranean world to also have a read before venturing underground anywhere, and to let people know where you are and how long you expect to be, especially if a long way from help.)

Just my tuppence. :)
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Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by diamond lil »

Personally there's no way in hell I'd go underground, would rather take my chances out in the open because I'm claustrophbic as hell :shock:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

You'd be amazed just how large some of these places are DL especially the old limestone quarries like Box, and Monkton Farleigh, absolutely massive places you could drive a car round alot of MF, they do make great BO locations but so easy to get trapped in/lost/have accidents in, I'd not recommend underground mines/quarries or caves to anyone who isn't used to them, I've seen experienced explorers lose it in some really tight places, inc. myself when I got a leg trapped once lol. :oops:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Huntsman »

Do to other circumstances (oh made me go shopping) I will have to post pics of my bug out location tomorrow :?

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

Damn, been looking forward to those lol :D