What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by hobo »

My OH puts up with my peculiarities (ie 'prepping') - she does understand why but doesn't help (or hinder).
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Ferricks »

hobo wrote:
wolfpup wrote:My MAJOR PREP NEWS however is not some additional stock - its an attitude change - from my OH.
Hear Hear!

Super news.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Ferricks »

pseudonym wrote:
Ferricks wrote:We've started renovating the house to a layout that works better for storage / emergency situations.

However, to do this, a lot of wall moving and complete ripping out of the original (semi-det) cottage and the extension has to go on - so ...one wall down, two more to go......

'will keep you posted..

We need pics :mrgreen:
The pics won't be interesting yet - this is going to take a LOT of time on the basis that, having drawn up the plans we now need to do 90% of the work ourselves as our budget is about 16p for the entire works (including moving the kitchen...) BUT I'll post a thread on general chat when I get time this week to explain what we're doing and why and I'll add photo's at the points where it may be of interest to prepping pals....
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Wiganprepper »

Hi everyone.....I've deffo stepped things up in past week, new lock knife, machete, 5 survival blankets,re-stocked tinned food, 50 water purification tabs,aa batteries, water carrier,snare wire, 25'x15' tarp,2x cases 2L bottled water,para cord, 2 torches,gas refills x2 for gas lamp, hurricane lamp, sewing kit,20' gazebo and some new additions to first aid kits!! ;) project for tomorrow is to put shelves in huge new cupboard I've installed in kitchen to allow me to expand food storage!

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Teapot »

Finally getting around to doing that inventory I've been meaning to do for a long time!

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Frufru »

Preps this week include buying:

More water.... lots more.
P0undland space blankets
P0undland LED torches - I have one and it's brilliant - I have several wind up torches already and two sturdy battery ones
More tinned veg

I also desperately need to re-org my larder as it is topsy turvy atm.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Huntsman »

Bought a new air rifle ready for pheasant season, been stocking up on water purification tablets and basic medication as well as getting a course of antibiotics. I have also recently gone on the basc basic metallic cartridge reloading course as I am wondering if it may be a viable prep to be able to produce my ammunition.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Optimystic »

As far as im aware the only diff with Costco is that non buisness users can only use it during set times?

Its about £30 to get membership and then away ya go!

Reading Wolfpups OH story makes me realise how lucky I am that my OH was onboard with my ideas as soon as i explained them.. We have great fun keeping our plans on track!
Today we went to Asda and topped up on some tins.. (they have their camping gear on sale if anyone is interested)
We also have started plans to get a wood burner put in downstairs that will heat the whole house.. Wont be going in till OCT but the plan is in place now..
Weve also started clearing out books and stuff that fills our shelves up.. theyve been boxed up and placed in the attic.. if ever we need to burn them or just need entertainment!
Our next big plan is to get a few chickens!! thought is a little scary at mo as never had any kind of interaction with them.. but will get over it.. Fresh Eggs!! got to be a must surely!
Also now have a great plastic airtight box for medication..
Oh n bought one of those little fold up cookers with the cube fuel.. and enough water purification tablets for 4000L of water..
Have ramped up the walking too.. now doing 3+ miles a day .. exploring the local countryside.. discovered a fishing lake just 2 miles away!
Phew.. and we had 4 days in Glasgow!!.. Busy busy! :)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Moony »

Optimystic wrote: We also have started plans to get a wood burner put in downstairs that will heat the whole house.. Wont be going in till OCT but the plan is in place now..
Weve also started clearing out books and stuff that fills our shelves up.. theyve been boxed up and placed in the attic.. if ever we need to burn them or just need entertainment!
Surely book-packed shelves = free insulation ? Dunno if i'm wrong but I try to keep my shelves fairly full, especially on the colder outside walls !
I'm in Area 7 !

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by moocher »

Bought a gas cooker ,instead of using electric one ,
So will be able to cook decent meal in a winter power cut.